Minister of Industry and Commerce presents results of work for the national industry to the AIRD

Bisonó highlights the joint work with the AIRD for the country to become an industrial power in the region.
In the activity, the progress of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes (MICM) was presented. Bisonó presented the achievements made in the first year of management that impact the progress of the Dominican industrial sector and affirmed that they have always focused on accompanying and consolidating the industrial sector “a sector that has never stopped in spite of the crisis”.

Bisonó emphasized that “to address our strategy in the local manufacturing industry, we have focused on 6 work axes: institutional, productivity, quality, productive linkages, innovation and sustainability”.

The official presented these achievements in a meeting-conversation with the National Board of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), with whom he shared information on various processes and activities, projects and initiatives, many of which are the result of joint work and collaboration between the MICM and the AIRD. In addition, he listened to questions and recommendations to continue the march to make the Dominican Republic an industrial power in the region.


Bisonó titled his presentation “12 Months Working for the Local Manufacturing Industry”. He indicated that he counted on the AIRD to define the work plan and accompaniment to achieve the MICM’s objectives in relation to the industrial sector.

“What brings us here is to take stock of what we have done in a year with all the conditions and unexpected events that have arisen, which have always been faced, seeking to accompany and consolidate the industrial sector, a sector that has never stopped despite the crisis,” he said.

He highlighted as an institutional achievement the ability to articulate the 14 government institutions that work or impact on the development of the sector, which seeks to eliminate duplication of functions, dispersion of initiatives, and ensure the consistency of the agenda of the public institutions attached to the Ministry.

Another important element was the creation of an industrial route, with weekly visits to one company. It interacts directly with small, medium and large companies. Eighty-seven improvement actions have been seen, of which 66 have been resolved (75%), 14 are in process and 7 are under evaluation.

One achievement of the joint work with the AIRD is the approval of Law 242-20, on Innovation and Industrial Competitiveness, which extends for fifteen years more facilities for industries to invest in machinery and new technologies.

Minister Bisonó listed processes, programs and activities executed or in execution to strengthen the industrial sector, and in which AIRD has worked with, among them: Digital Productive Chaining Program; Digital Transformation in alliance with MINCOTUR, of Spain; Training and Advanced Technical Assistance Project for the Sustainability and Competitiveness of the plastics sector; Draft proposal for a strategy to relaunch the DISDO; Development Program for family industries; Project to Strengthen Quality for the Development of MSMEs in the cosmetics subsector;

In addition, Cleaner Production Diagnostics Project; work for the simplification of procedures within the framework of the Presidential Roundtable for Industrialization; creation of the Proparques trust; Tobacco Industry Relaunch Plan; fight against the illicit alcohol trade; and a data portal on statistics on local manufacturing industries, among others.

Industrial power

Celso Juan Marranzini, president of the AIRD, while speaking, thanked the MICM for its support to the sector “which has understood the needs of the sector, which has pushed the joint work to overcome the difficulties in a successful way”.

He pointed out that the MICM has focused on the potential of the industrial sector and has understood what it means for the sustainable development of the country to turn the Dominican Republic into an industrial power in the region.

He also valued that the MICM works in areas that are very important for the companies, but also for the country. He thanked the Ministry for always recognizing industry as a generator of formal employment, a guarantor of price stability and the supply that the population needs at all times.

Bisonó was accompanied by Fantino Polanco, Vice Minister of Industrial Development; Carlos Flaquer, Vice Minister of Free Zones and Special Regimes; Vilma Arbaje, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade; Jorge Morales, Vice Minister of Promotion of MSMEs; Mario Pujols, Advisor to the Minister; Natalie Souffront, Director of Industrial Economy, among others.

The members of the National Board of Directors, representatives of the various subsectors and associations of the national industry participated in the discussion, among them: Celso Juan Marranzini, Circe Almánzar Melgen, Juan José Attias, Richard Arostegui, Ricardo Koenig, Felipe Thomas, Elizabeth Mena, Alejandra Betancourt, Pablo Wiechers, Christian Cabral, Radhamés Garcia, José Fernando Paliza, Marisol Vicens, José Gior Ariza, Jorge Montalvo, Bredyg Disla, Manuel Pozo Perelló, Raúl Peralta, Alvaro Sousa and Andrés Espinal, Aguie Lendolf and Patricia Mena, who made comments and asked questions that were addressed by Bisonó.

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