Winners of the 28th Eduardo León Jimenes Art Contest announced

Guadalupe Casasnovas, José Morbán and Raúl Morilla were the winners of the 28th Eduardo León Jimenes Art Contest, by unanimous decision, according to the jury’s decision announced during a virtual meeting.

Guadalupe Casasnovas was awarded for her works Fauna extinta del Ensanche Piantini and Sitio arqueológico e histórico de la calle 12 # 24. José Morbán was awarded for his work Monte Grande/Paramnesia. And Raúl Morilla for the work Agonía de la memoria. The three equal prizes consist of RD$500,000.00 in local currency and a diploma for each artist.

Julianny Ariza Vólquez was recognized with the editorial award for the work Atesoro. This editorial award consists of production funds for the elaboration of an editorial project (printed or virtual) that disseminates the work and oeuvre of the awarded artist.

María Amalia León, president of the Eduardo León Jimenes Foundation and director of the León Center, led the virtual meeting with the artists along with jury members Gabriela Rangel, Gerardo Mosquera, Raquel Paiewonsky and Sara Hermann.

“History will say that in this pandemic humanity reinvented itself, optimized its resources, and produced new ones. But it kept on walking. As I said in my words at the opening ceremony: the path of art evolves, revolutionizes, forms and transforms, ignites and transcends. The path of art does not stop. This is what we are doing at the León Center,” said Dr. León during the virtual meeting.

The exhibition of selected and awarded works will remain open until June 6, 2021. The 28th Eduardo León Jimenes Art Contest is sponsored by the Eduardo León Jimenes Foundation and Cervecería Nacional Dominicana.

About the competition

The first Eduardo León Jimenes Art Contest was held in 1964 with the dual intention of promoting the development of the visual arts and stimulating creativity in new generations of artists. In his inaugural speech, Eduardo León Asensio anticipated that, over the years, there would be an important collection of visual arts that would require the creation of a museum for permanent exhibition. The foundations of the León Center are based on this purpose.

The competition, which was held thanks to the support of the Eduardo León Jimenes Foundation, is today a consistent private initiative that has shown its sustainability in the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean and Latin America.

The present edition aims to stimulate contemporary artistic expressions and practices, promoting art as a tool for critical thinking in artists and their audiences and as an articulator of social relations.

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