Cuba interested in exploring opportunities in DR tourism

Cuba’s Minister of Tourism, Juan Carlos García Granda, explained that he has conveyed to the RD, through the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur), his interest in exploring multi-destination opportunities, as well as exchanging experiences in the field of personnel training.

“Here in Cuban tourism, there are working day by day managers trained in the RD, as pastry chefs, and today in the RD there are many experienced managers who were trained here in the country”, he pointed out.

Strategic alliances with Cuba

He expressed his interest in the formation of future “strategic alliances” with Cuba, a country that has focused on the development of community tourism, sustainable rural tourism and circuits, complementary to its sun and beach offer, which has allowed the installation of more than 80,000 hotel rooms currently operating.

“We have the strength of having a country with a very great heritage; we have seven cities that are world heritage sites, which are preserved, are alive and where the community has an active participation,” he said.

He indicated that the Cuban tourist product has remained resilient despite the economic blockade measures that the United States has maintained -and which have been intensified for more than 60 years- for more than 60 years.

Turismo En RD Por CubaMeanwhile, David Collado, Minister of Tourism, confirmed that García Granda expressed that Cuba is also interested in learning about the statistical management of the Tourism Intelligence System (Situr) of Mitur, as well as in understanding how the fiscal facilities offered by the country through the Tourism Development Council (Confotur) work for the establishment of new hotel investments.

He also said that from the DR they hope to explore opportunities for the country to learn about the management of the historic center of Cuba, according to Diario Libre.

“It is to see how they manage the historic center here, how they have been able to preserve it, so that we can apply their measures in our colonial zone,” he said.

However, Collado pointed out that the dialogues are just beginning between the two nations, and that no agreements or drafts have yet been established with the details of how these proposals would be implemented.


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