JMMB Funds to manage the country’s first dedicated sustainable energy fund

The JMMB Dominican Republic group of financial companies presents to the market its new JMMB Sustainable Energy Fund, which will be managed by the subsidiary Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión JMMB Funds, S. A.

JMMB companies are committed to innovation and sustainable development in the Dominican Republic, supporting the conservation of its natural resources. The JMMB Sustainable Energy Fund seeks to invest in projects that generate a positive environmental impact, while at the same time make the cost of energy generation and distribution more efficient and/or use alternative fuels with less environmental impact, generating profitability for the fund’s investors.

This fund, called FES for its acronym, is a product in U.S. dollars and its objective is to provide investments and capital for renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental projects in the country, providing the necessary liquidity for the development of these types of projects. By 2024, FES is expected to have more than 15 renewable energy projects, achieving a reduction of more than 375 kTCO2e per year and providing renewable energy to more than 250,000 households.

This fund has a “BBBfa (N)” rating assigned by Feller Rate and is aimed at professional investors with a moderate risk profile, with long-term liquidity needs, seeking to diversify their portfolio by investing in U.S. currency.

JMMB Group presents this new product aimed at providing opportunities for its clients to meet their financial goals, with personalized financial advice.

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