CNM meets its first session of public hearings

This Monday, November 27, the National Council of the Magistracy met for the first time in public hearings, for the selection of five new judges who will integrate the Constitutional Court, starting next December 28.

The session was initially headed by the president Luis Abinader and the other members of the Council, and later presided over by the vice-president Raquel Peña.

As it is recalled, the National Council of the Magistracy went through a series of steps prior to the call for public hearings, to which 117 applicants attended. Of these, 115 complied with the constitutional and legal requirements to be evaluated, for which reason they were summoned for a series of meetings, which will continue until next Thursday, December 7.

Today, 16 of the 115 applicants were evaluated, among them, Julio César Araujo Díaz, Dante Alberto Almonte Aracena, Mirna Josefina Amiama Nielsen, Teófilo Andújar Sánchez, Ana Luisa Arciniega Montilla, Elvin Leonor Arias Morbán, Fidias Federico Aristy Payano and Cecilia Inmaculada Badía Rosario.

Also participating were Rafael Arnstrong Báez García, María Altagracia Batista de Montas, Teresita Mercedes Bencosme Bencosme Comprés de Ureña, Elena Emperatriz Berrido Badía de Contreras, Román Arturo Berroa Hiciano, Elemér Tibor Borsos Rodríguez, Rafael Clemente Brito Benzo and Suinda Jazmín Brito Hernández.

This first session of public hearings was introduced by the President of the Republic and of the CNM, Luis Abinader, who retired in the course of the morning, the Council being headed by the Vice President, Raquel Peña. At the end of the day, the Vice President stated that the session was adjourned and that the work would resume next Wednesday, November 29 at 9:00 am. She also thanked the members of the Council, the members of the technical team accompanying the Council and the postulants for their appearance today in their respective roles.

Next Wednesday, starting at 9:00 a.m., the following candidates will be evaluated:

Evander Eduardo Campagna González, Yrcania Ibelice Casado Pimentel, Juan Bautista Castillo Peña, Johanny Elizabeth Castillo Sabarí, Máximo Ramón Castillo Salas, Rafael Leónidas Ciprián Lora, Mery Laine Collado Tactuck de Cid, Franklin Emilio Concepción Acosta, Rafael Amauris Contreras Troncoso, Marcos Antonio Cruz García, Juan Bautista Cuevas Medrano, Juan Bautista de la Rosa Méndez, Yissel Josefina de León Burgos, Sonia Argentina Díaz Inoa, Miguel Antonio Encarnación de la Rosa, Sonia del Carmen Espejo Rodríguez, Napoleón Ricardo Estévez Lavandier, Carlos Manuel estrella, Dolores Sagrario Feliz Luciano, Dalia María Feliz Ramírez and Frank Reynaldo Fermín Ramírez.


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