In Miches the opposite is done as in Bavaro and Punta Cana

The current government of the Dominican Republic wants to change the country’s tourism focus. Many times a foreigner is more familiar with the name Punta Cana than with the Dominican Republic itself, and that is what the government wants to change. To this end, the Ministry of Tourism is working to bring the economic impact of this industry to other parts of the country.

This has been assured by David Collado, the Dominican Minister of Tourism, in an interview to Diario Libre, who has assured that he is currently focused on promoting Miches, in the province of El Seibo. This is the destinationEn Miches se Trabaja Diferente presented during the FITUR fair in Madrid (Spain) and which attracted a significant amount of investment (735 million dollars).

However, Collado stressed that in Miches they want to do things differently than in Punta Cana or Bávaro, for example. “Bávaro and Punta Cana grew in an accelerated and disorganized manner, without urban planning. In Miches we are doing the opposite,” explained the minister. In this sense, for the “new” destination, the bidding for the aqueduct and INAPA (National Institute of Drinking Water and Sewage) has already begun. Likewise, Collado recalled that the access to the beach has already been fixed and that a garbage collection system is being worked on.

“We are going to guarantee that Miches will be an environmentally friendly destination, an example in safety and a model in the Dominican Republic of what our vision is”, said the minister.


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