Dominican Republic elected to four UN bodies

The Dominican Republic was elected as a member of four subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc) following the elections.

The positions were obtained on the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, for the period 2022-2024; on the Executive Board of UN-Women, for the period 2022-2024; on the Executive Board of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), for the period 2022-2024; and on the Commission for Social Development, period 2022-2026.

Through a press release, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mirex) said that in the elections held last Tuesday at the UN headquarters in New York, United States, representatives from around the world were chosen on the basis of equitable geographical distribution.

The countries, during determined periods, will be part of the decision making that takes place within these multilateral spaces.

“The Dominican Government presented these candidacies as part of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (Grulac) and the organizations to which it aspired are those that work with themes aligned with the interests of the country, since it seeks to promote initiatives of a global nature that favor the entire region,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mirex) detailed in a communiqué.

It affirmed that the process is framed “within the commitment” of President Luis Abinader to place the country in strategic positions within international organizations, as a way of complying with what is established in the Foreign Policy Plan of his administration.

He pointed out that through the Vice-Ministry of Multilateral Foreign Policy, different strategies were implemented to obtain spaces for participation and positioning in global organizations.

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