By the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications and New Link Group
BREAKING NEWS: The Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) and the company New Link Group
presented today to representatives of telephone companies, civil society and people linked to the National Commission for Information Society and Knowledge (CNSIC), the results of the Study on Social Media and Web 2.0
in the Dominican Republic, the first carried out on the use of this technological tool in the country.
Indotel president, José Rafael Vargas, praised the investigation and noted also the incidence of the Internet as a development tool for the country.The presentation was attended by the director, Dr. Juan Antonio Delgado, and Indotel executive director, Dr. Joelle Exarhakos, and was conducted by Eduardo Camarra, of New Link Group.
The research involved 600 telephone surveys of people 18 years of age or older, living in households with fixed telephone lines.The ages of respondents: 18 to 25 years (51.4%), 26-35 (24.1%), 36-45 (16.2%) and 45-55 (2.7%).
Using the Internet to find work
In one study results found that participants feel that the Internet is a tool that complements their work activities on a day to day basis.
Most of them considered it to be crucial to their work, while some people said they had found work through the Internet using employment pages.
Internet users also have been able to: make preliminary approaches to customers and obtain information from them, track customers, nationally and internationally, via email, send documents, photographs and work materials expeditiously, lower costs of international communication and access information through videos or information specialist sites quickly and reliably. Also, download tools to do their jobs such as software and drivers, obtain general information about the company they work for and pay utilities.
It states that the vision of the future of the Internet and its applications is growing as is the extent of its accessibility
in the Dominican Republic. The report further states that it is thought that (this tool) will move to other forms of media and be integrated into the virtual environment
. He noted that the influence of the Internet in education will be key, and that its use will continue to diversify
in the country.
Among the studies findings were:
- the internet is most often accessed from the home
- 22% of those surveyed have internet access through their phones
- the average amount of time spent on the internet or the computer is three hours a day
- younger users tend to spend as many as 8 or 9 hours daily
- the main uses were identified as; study, interaction, information, entertainment
- the Internet was only minimally used for the purchase or the sale of products and services, and that for these purposes
was the most visited site - the most visited pages by Dominicans are Google followed by Facebook and Messenger/Hotmail
- Improvements are needed in price, speed and protection from malicious advertising
The study recommends designing strategies to expand the variety of uses and functions of the internet especially among adults
. To that end, we propose an awareness campaign in different media that talk about the personal experiences of ordinary people who use the Internet
The study urged strategies to accelerate the integration of public institutions to Electronic Government
To that end, we recommend an evaluation study to measure the progress that government institutions have made to provide interactive and transactional services as well as the use of social media to communicate and / or interact with the public
Dominican Republic Live, 01.07.10
Enrique de Marchena emphasizes the ability of tourism to create jobs
Josef Forstmayr is the new president of the Association of Caribbean Hotels & Tourism
BREAKING NEWS: Enrique de Marchena pointed out the tourism sector’s ability to create jobs, not only in its own industry, but also in various economic sectors of the nation.
The Dominican hotelier made this statement during his speech at the ceremony introducing Josef Forstmayras the new president of the Association of Hotels and Tourism in the Caribbean (CHTA), which was held last Saturday in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
De Marchena pointed out the benefits of tourism in order to increase the awareness in Caribbean societies of the importance of this sector for the economy and the overall development of the region. The relevance of the benefits of the purchasing power of tourists and how this impacts the global economy is what must be conveyed so that everyone understands the importance of these tourists and the dollars they contribute to the economy
, he explained.
In this regard, he stressed the urgency for a meeting of the leaders of the public and private sectors to discuss the policies that must be established to develop Caribbean tourism on a stable economic platform. We must continue to remind our own people that the tourism industry means jobs, not only in hotels, but also for taxi drivers, restaurant workers, farmers and fishermen, that supply food to restaurants. It also means jobs for tailors, artisans, managers, engineers, accountants, cooks, etc
Also, during his speech, which was given at the Half Moon hotel in the presence of the new president of the CHTA, Josef Forstmayr, the executive director of the entity, Alec Sanguinetti, President of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, Hugh Riley, the Jamaica Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett, and dozens of hotel officials, Mr. Marchena narrated the achievements of the past two years, as well as the major challenges facing the institution and the entire Caribbean tourism industry.
Furthermore, he announced that we have finished the fiscal year and entered 2010 with a surplus of funds in our treasury
, and said that positive numbers are also expected for the year 2010/11.
Dominican Republic Live, 02.07.10
Governor of Puerto Rico to lead a multi-sector mission to the Dominican Republic
With a view toward creating higher economic growth and jobs
BREAKING NEWS: The Governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño, will lead a multi-sector mission to the Dominican Republic on October 13th and 14th of this year.
The announcement was made after a meeting held last week between the Secretary of State of Puerto Rico, Kenneth McClintock, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs from the Dominican Republic, Carlos Morales Troncoso.
During the meeting, Mr.Troncoso and Mr. McClintock discussed various issues related to the implementation of the Dominican – Puerto Rican Joint Declaration for Strategic Partnership, which Governor Fortuño and President Fernandez signed on June 4th, 2009.
The agenda for the Strategic Alliance will include the promotion of investment and trade and cooperation in the energy field including the exchange of experiences in the most efficient use of renewable energy sources.
Minister Troncoso said that through multi-sector missions such as the one Governor Fortuño is leading to the Dominican Republic will promote growth of our economies and create jobs in the private sector helping to improve the quality of life for both the people of both nations
The Secretary McClintock explained that multi-sector mission to the Dominican Republic will aim at: strengthening trade, seizing opportunities for mutual investment, promoting strategic partnerships, encourage the provision of services, the manufacturing of productsand the development of multi-destination tourism
The Dominican Republic is Puerto Rico´s main trading partner. Puerto Rico’s trade with the Dominican Republic is second only to Puerto Rico’s trade with the fifty states.
For the fiscal year 2009, trade between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico exceeded $1,206,000,000. Puerto Rico’s exports reached $758 million and imports totaled $448 million which represents a favorable trade balance for Puerto Rico of about $310 million.
The economic exchange with the Dominican Republic represents a huge potential for Puerto Rico not only because of its close geographical location, but also because of the Dominican Republic´s involvement in major free trade agreements such as NAFTA and the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union and the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM).
Dominican Republic Live, 05.07.10
Dominican Republic and Germany sign a mutual protection of investment agreement
To promote investments between the two countries
BREAKING NEWS: The Dominican Republic and Germany signed an agreement on the mutual protection of investments in both countries.
The announcement was made as part of the Dominican President´s official visit to this European nation.
President Fernández explained that the agreement is intended to promote investments and enhance the ability to do business between the two countries and also, provide them with a legal framework that will support investor confidence.
For her part, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said this is a landmark agreement because it gives greater assurance to those who want to invest in the Dominican Republic and vice versa.
President Fernández added that the Dominican Republic’s has a strong interest in investors in the energy field establishing themselves in the country, mainly those engaged in non-conventional energy generation and clean energy.
The agreement was announced at a press conference held after the meeting that Fernández and Merkel held at the Germangovernment headquarters.
In the morning Fernández visited the Hasso Plattner institute of higher technology in the German city of Potsdam, where he received information about the latest software programs designed for safety and education. Fernández was received by the institute’s director, Christopher Meiner.
Dominican Republic Live, 06.07.10
Deutsche Bank interested in funding projects in the Dominican Republic
Focusing on social development and infrastructure
BREAKING NEWS: Deutsche Bank gave assurances to President Leonel Fernández of its intention to continue funding social development and infrastructure projects in the Dominican Republic that will be managed by those in the private sector with government backing.
During a meeting with executives of the bank, Mr. Jörg Adler, regional manager, made it clear that Deutsche Bank will continue supporting social development programs, funded directly by private entrepreneurs with the support government.
The projects will include the construction of hospitals, aqueducts, alternative energy development and road construction.
He said that as proof of the confidence that Deutsche Bank has in the Dominican economy one could cite the number of projects the entity has funded, which has amounted to US $830 million dollars.With these resources being disbursed by Deutsche Bank, three hospitals are being built in the City of Health.
The pediatric, the Children´s Hospital and the Hospital of General Medicine, at a cost of US $138 million dollars.
Under construction, also, is Mercacid Santo Domingo, a modern shopping outlet that will house Duarte Avenue market vendors.
Another projects being financed are the hospitals in Higuey and Montecristi, and the construction of the aqueduct in La Altagracia.
The Dominican government, through the Attorney General of the Republic, is also building four prisons with financing from Deutsche Bank.
The bank executives were willing to support private initiatives to build road infrastructure throughout the country, a program that would be backed by the government through the Ministry of Public Works and Communications.
Mr. Adler said the Deutsche Bank has made studies of clean energy generation, for possible financing by companies interested in investing in the Dominican Republic.
The Dominican president appreciated the support that the bank has offered to projects in the Dominican Republic, regardless of the crisis being experienced by the world.
Mr. Fernández attended the meeting accompanied by Finance Minister, Vicente Bengoa, Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Temístocles Montás, and Eddy Martinez, executive director of CEI-RD.
Dominican Republic Live, 07.07.10
Dominican Republic offers the best investment guarantees
Fernández speaks to the Confederation of German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
BREAKING NEWS: Hamburg, Germany.- President Leonel Fernández said on Wednesday, before a group of German investors, that the Dominican Republic offers the best guarantees and diversity of choices for business development between the two nations.
As guest of honor at a meeting between members of the Confederation of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the President noted that there are considerable opportunities for Germans who wish to invest in the country in the areas of industry, renewable energy, tourism, textiles and higher technologies.
In this regard, he explained that a treaty will be signed in the coming weeks between the Dominican Republic and Germany, which will protect investors from both countries
Mr. Fernández stated that the Dominican Republic has demonstrated itself to be one of the most stable economies in Latin America, and pointed out that the global financial crisis did not affect the domestic banking system.
The Caribbean leader stressed that German businessmen can take advantage of the facilities offered by the financial agreement signed between the Dominican Republic and the United States, known as DR / CAFTA, which would allow German products to enter North America under privileged conditions.
Fernández stressed that the ties between the Dominican Republic and Germany are growing stronger. He made light of the large number of Germans living in Puerto Plata, saying it could practically be considered a German state. Fernandez reiterated the commitment he has with Germany to fill the seat of the Foundation of the Association of European, Latin America and the Caribbean countries.
For his part, President of the Chamber of Commerce Hamburg, Mr. Frank Horch, said it was an honor to host the first president of the Caribbean region to visit the headquarters in its 145 year history.
He stressed that the administrations of President Leonel Fernández has enjoyed great financial stability, and this has led to a doubling of efforts on the part of Germany to do business with the Caribbean nation. The German business leader predicted that this business relation between the Dominican Republic and Germany, would be greatly beneficial to both countries.
Later, President Fernández and the entourage accompanying him went to the headquarters of the Mayor of Hamburg, where he was received by the mayor and governor, Mr Ole von Beust, who congratulated the president for his leadership skills in regards to the crisis in Honduras and the conflict between Venezuela and Colombia.
For his part, President Leonel Fernández thanked the authorities of Hamburg for their responsiveness and attention toward the Dominican delegation.
The president, along with his entourage, later traveled from Hamburg to Paris, France, to continue with their schedule of work on the Continent.
Dominican Republic Live, 08.07.10
Celebration of the third Merengue Festival
In Ponce, Puerto Rico
BREAKING NEWS: The Office of Tourism of the Dominican Republic for Puerto Rico, in collaboration with the Caribe Mall, celebrated the third version of the Merengue Festival, Ponce 2010.
From June 30th to July 4th, audiences enjoyed the traditional and typical merengue played by Javish
, Los Sabrosos del Cibao
, Danny O’neal and Dansez
group, among others, as well as activities such as crafts, Creole cuisine and folk dancing.
For the third year in a row, the Caribe Mall opened its doors so that the Ministry of Tourism could promote the tourist attractions of the Dominican Republic and encourage Puerto Ricans to visit the Merengue Festival of Santo Domingo. which annually brings together the biggest artists of the genre.
This year’s festival featured a merengue dance contests, a competition for Habichuela can Dulce
and a trivia game where participants identified what the three colors represented in the exhibition from the advertising campaign Dominican Republic, Republic of the Colors
There was also a training seminar for travel agents Specialists in the Dominican Republic
, in conjunction with the tour operator Good Quality Tours
for the training of travel agents in the areas in the south of Puerto Rico, as well as craft workshops by the Henry Crisostomo and Melvin Mart.
Dominican Republic Live, 09.07.10
Agreement signed between the Dominican State and the French institution Attali and Associates
To draw national development strategy
BREAKING NEWS: The Dominican government, together with the French institution Attali and Associates, will work to design a program that will lead to a strategy of long-term development for the Dominican Republic by setting policies and organizing strategies to ensure sustainable development in the country.
The agreement aims to work through different mechanisms, to create a realistic vision of the country in order to establish clear policies in areas such as geography, energy, technological, educational, social, financial and administrative
President Leonel Fernández and the Dominican ambassador to France, Mrs. Laura Faxas, witnessed the agreement, signed by the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Temistocles Montas, and Mr. Jacques Attali, a representative of the French institution.
The Dominican president took advantage of the opportunity to point out the importance of this new working relationship as it relates to long-term projections on issues of great importance to the nation.
President Fernández, as part of his busy schedule of activities during his visit to this nation, also met with former Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs of France and President of the François Mitterrand Foundation, Hubert Vedrine.
At the meeting, the two leaders discussed issues related to international politics in their respective countries and the major challenges currently facing the world.The Dominican Head of State promised to maintain contact to further strengthen the foreign policy discussion with the former Prime Minister of France.
Tomorrow, President Fernández will hold meetings in the area of education, the most important of which will be with the president of the Institute of the Americas and CEO of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education of France, Jean-Michel Blanquer. Upon completion of these meetings, the Dominican president will head to Washington, where he has a series of activities scheduled.
On Monday July 12th, he will meet with the President of the United States, Barack Obama, and on Tuesday the 13th he is scheduled to visit George Washington University before returning home on Wednesday.
Dominican Republic Live, 12.07.10
Science and Art Foundation opened the Fourth Bi-national Ecotourism Fair
For protected areas and sustainable tourism
BREAKING NEWS: This past Saturday saw the opening of the 4th Bi-national Ecotourism Fair 2010. This year the event is taking place in the area between the province of Pedernales in the Dominican Republic and Anse-à-Pitre, Haiti.
For 15 days, more than 150 organizations from both countries will put on display handicrafts, agricultural and culinary products, artistic groups, parades, cultural and folk groups, as well as a series of scientific conferences.
The communities of Pedernales and Anse-à-Pitre, received with enthusiasm the thousands of visitors, who for fifteen days and nights will enjoy a program of scientific and cultural and exhibitions, which aims to place this sanctuary of nature, composed of the beautiful natural parks of Jaragua, Bahoruco and La Visite, on the world map of ecotourism.
The Fair was organized by the Foundation for Science and Art, with the purpose of encouraging the communities of the region to manage their natural resources, and cultural production, and promote their development.
In order to project its extensive cultural program, the Ministry of Culture formed a delegation of artists and cultural managers, under the direction of artist Yi-Yoh Robles, Director General of Popular Participation.
The program will include such activities as, street theater presentations, fast painting contest, theater workshops, music, entertainment and conferences.
The details of the event were provided by Dr. José Serrulle, President of the Foundation for Science and Art, at a press conference held in the Art Room of the Ministry of Culture last week. The theme of the fair is for protected areas and sustainable tourism
Dominican Republic Live, 13.07.10
Meeting between Leonel Fernández and Barack Obama
Obama is interested in the Dominican Republic is the center of clean energy projects
BREAKING NEWS: Presidents Leonel Fernandez and Barack Obama discussed common concerns during a meeting that lasted 45 minutes, in which the U.S. president said that the hemisphere owes an eternal gratitude to the Dominican President for his leadership in regards to the crisis in Haiti as well as resolving conflicts in the region.
Following the working meeting between the presidents, the Dominican head of state gave an account of the recovery efforts being carried out in Haiti by the international community, while emphasizing the need for prompt assistance, and adherence to the commitments made during the Summit on Haiti
At the General Assembly of the United Nations, which will be held in September, in New York, there will be a meeting between the Heads of State to make further efforts to implement an immediate recovery plan.
Another issue addressed by Obama and Fernandez was public safety and combating drug trafficking in Central America and the Caribbean. Fernandez explained how the drugs grown in South American countries carried by the mafia networks that use the Dominican Republic and Haiti as a bridge, generating an increase in crime.
While suggesting an overall policy of cooperation in the drug war, the Dominican president said that this phenomenon threatens the security and social stability in Latin America. President Obama, on his side, said his government will give all necessary support to boost the Security Initiative for the Caribbean Basin.
The Dominican Head of State suggested that the Dominican Republic be host to a regional meeting and that Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru and the Caribbean and Central American countries, should adopt a multi-regional scheme to combat drug trafficking.
In relation to this issue, President Obama said, during the joint news conference that his government must make an effort to implement policies that reduce demand and punish money laundering.
On the issue of democracy in Honduras, the president of the United States appreciated the positive mediation Fernandez exerted to bring about a solution to the conflict in that country
Meanwhile, Fernandez raised the need for a better definition within the international community in relation to the coups and compliance with the OAS Democratic Charter as a way to discourage the undemocratic actions.
Obama also expressed interest in the Dominican Republic becoming the regional center for projects that generate clean energy.
Mr. Obama said the United States government will provide all necessary support to the country and to the rest of the region to promote non-conventional energy generation. He added that he has held talks with Brazilian President, Inacio Lula Da Silva, for his country to cooperate in the implementation of programs aimed at producing clean energy.
The American President sent his regards to the Dominican people and stressed the friendship that has grown between himself and the Dominican President, whom he met at the Summit of the Americas, held in Trinidad and Tobago last year.
President Obama also referred to the role of the Dominican Republic in the preparation of baseball players who make up a large percentage of the major league teams from the United States.
Those present at the meeting in the Oval Office included; for the U.S. government; Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, Valerie Jarrett, Special Advisor, General James Jones, National Security Advisor, Christopher Lambert, Business manager at the Dominican embassy in the country and Dan Restrepo, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs.
The Dominican delegation was comprised of Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso, the Dominican ambassador to Washington, Roberto Saladin, the Finance Minister, Vicente Bengoa, Minister of Economy, Planning and Development Temistocles Montas, Secretary of State, Director of Center for Export and Investment of the Dominican Republic, Eddy Martinez, and Secretary of State, Director of Information, Press and Publicity, Rafael Núñez.
Dominican Republic Live, 14.07.10
French investment in the Dominican Republic surpasses the € 2 billion mark
€ 1 billion corresponds to Orange Dominicana
BREAKING NEWS: French investment in the country is over 2 billion Euros, of which 1 billion is related to the telephone company Orange Dominicana and the remaining is distributed among the companies Carrefour, Conforama and tourism.
This information was provided by the French ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Mr. Roland Dubertrand, who pointed out how much investment has grown here in the last 15 years.
Currently French and Dominican entrepreneurs are working on the renovation of the Franco-Dominican Chamber of Commerce, which was established more than 20 years ago.
The diplomat also mentioned the Government’s interest in strengthening trade with the Dominican Republic, which involves 130 million Euros a year, with a favorable balance for the Dominicans. Ambassador Dubertrand compared this exchange with the trade balance between this country and Spain.
Exports to France include traditional products, such as, tobacco and tropical fruits, and in recent years there has been a significant increase in the placement of organic products, mainly bananas and mangoes, he said.
He said the Dominican organic fruit production has a large market in France, because of its use of agrochemicals.
There is an advantage in the trade balance between the two countries for the Dominican Republic, which stands at around 130 million Euros a year, but, of course, much lower when compared with Spain which is the major partner with which Dominicans trade in Europe
, he said.
In recent years trade has taken a new turn with the incorporation of Dominican exports of medical equipment that are purchased in France by public and private hospitals, added the ambassador.
He stressed the quality of this high-tech equipment, which France buys in large numbers. the nature of trade has changed because of the exchange of these sophisticated and specialized medical products
, he added
Mr. Dubertrand Ambassador offered the information at the weekly Lunch of the Corripio Communications group, which is composed of the newspapers; Hoy, El Nacional and El Dia, the television channels; Telesistema, Teleantilles and Coral 39, and the radio stations; 95.7 and HIJB
Dominican Republic Live, 15.07.10
First merengue cup in Germany comes to a conclusion
Fourteen German couples compete
BREAKING NEWS: The Ministry of Tourism through the Tourism Promotion Office (OPT) of Germany, held the first Copa de Merengue
in Frankfort, with the participation of fourteen pairs of Germans dancers demonstrating their mastery of the Dominican rhythm.
The event was hosted by renowned conductor Markus Schöffl and broadcast by the locally produced television program RHEIN MAIN TV
The winning team consisted of Samantha Streigel and Costa Gedeck Streigel from the city of Hanover, who won an all expenses paid trip to the Dominican Republic. The prize was awarded by Condor Airlines, and includes a one-week stay at the Hotel Don Juan Beach Resort, Boca Chica and will also be able to attend the festival of Santo Domingo Merengue shortly.
The jury was comprised the director of the OPT, Petra Cruz, Kritias Straub, director of sales of the Maritim Hotel, which hosted the contest, Udo Zollner of Magazine and Media GMBH and the meringue expert, Moise Emil
Dominican Republic Live, 16.07.10
In June, tourism continues to rise in the Dominican Republic
An increase of 5.13% as compared to 2009
BREAKING NEWS: The Minister of Tourism, Francisco Javier García, announced that in June, like every other month so far this year, tourist numbers are up, solidifying the fact that the Dominican Republic remains the leader in the Caribbean region.
We have just received official data from the central bank, which reports that for the month of June tourism is up 5.13%. This means that there has been an increase for 10 consecutive months, with the exception of April when volcanic ash suspended several flights in Europe
said Mr. Garcia.
He stressed that the most significant number during the month of June was that the United States market, rose 23.11% and in the first six months of this year there has been a cumulative growth of nine percent, which ensures that the year will end on a positive note.
He said that within two weeks, details will be released on the construction of the pier on Barahona, as well as several projects that are in the final phase of study for the southern region, and the creation of Lake Enriquillo circuit to further develop tourism.
The official made his remarks when approached by reporters at the opening of CTN Holiday Fair Expo
, where he was honored for his hard work as the head of the institution, where he also reported to be putting five new domestic tourism promotions, focusing mainly on tourism in Puerto Plata
Dominican Republic Live, 19.07.10
Paraguay to have direct air links with the Dominican Republic
Agreement signed between the National Directorate of Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation Board
BREAKING NEWS: Paraguay will, for the first time, have a direct air link with the Caribbean, specifically, the Dominican Republic. This comes, under a bilateral agreement on air transport, approved last Friday between the authorities of the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac) and representatives of the Civil Aviation Board (JAC).
Currently the trip to Asunción, Paraguay takes about 18 hours. With the direct flights that can be reduced to a flight time of only four hours
, estimated Luis Rodríguez Ariza, president of the JAC.
He noted that this agreement makes it possible for airlines to operate directly between the two countries. Today, to come (to Paraguay) by air is a bit difficult and prolonged because of the connections that must be made
, he said pointing out that to reach Asunción We have to make at least two layovers
The Dominican connection occurs via Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Buenos Aires (Argentina), then Miami to Panama and then a flight to Santo Domingo (Dominican capital), Punta Cana, etc. And vice versa. The nearest route that unites us is via Lima, but Taca airlines only makes four weekly flights to the Dominican Republic
, excluded.
Ceferino Farias, president of Dinac , clarified that the interest-to seal the agreement, began in Paraguay, which brought the project to the Dominican authorities, with whom we share similar policy of liberalization and ’open skies’
This implies a new aviation-related trade between the two countries, he said. What we are doing is to provide the airlines the legal framework to operate commercially
The approval of the final text must now be endorsed by the Foreign Ministry, during the course of the year. But, administratively this act has already entered into being
, said Farias.
For now, the airlines who will operate the route remain unknown,Perhaps in the future when (companies) see that there are businesses with good prospects for profits they will be encouraged to come, but the main thing is to have the agreement
, said Ariza.
In the Caribbean country there are around 55 airlines operating regularly scheduled flights and some 140 chartered flights. The number of passengers last year was over 9 million
, he said.
Dominican Republic Live, 20.07.10
Dominican Republic is the leader in regional tourism revenues
According to the Tourism Index of the Latin Business Chronicle
BREAKING NEWS: The Dominican Republic is the Latin American country that receives the most revenue from tourism as compared with its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), according to the Tourism Index of the Latin Business Chronicle.
In 2009, tourism revenues fell in the Dominican by 2.4%, to 4.065 million dollars.This figure is equivalent to 8.7% of the Dominican economy. No other country in Latin America has such a high level. Costa Rica is second (7.1%) followed by Panama (6%).
The Dominican also stands as the number three country in Latin America in overall tourism revenues, after Mexico and Brazil. Last year 3,992,000 tourists entered the Dominican Republic, representing a slight increase of 0.3%. On a per capita basis the number stands at44.2%, which is the third highest in Latin America.
The tourism index measures the impact of tourism on a country based on revenue figures and international arrivals.The leader in arrivals per capita is Uruguay, having received 2 million tourists in 2009.
Dominican Republic Live, 21.07.10
Annual Conference United Nations Cocoa Conference 2010
Dominican Republic signs new international agreement
BREAKING NEWS: The Dominican Republic, through the Ministry of Agriculture, signed a new agreement that will encourage improvements in the mechanisms for production and marketing of the cocoa product in international markets.
Toward this end, the Ministry of Agriculture sent a delegation to participate in the Annual United Nations Cocoa Conference 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland, attended by representatives from 45 producers of this exportable item.
The Cocoa director of the Ministry of Agriculture, José Altagracia Vasquez, who led the Dominican delegation, explained that after long hours of discussions an agreement was reached on the production and global marketing of the product. The minister said the new International Cocoa Agreement will help improve relations among the producing countries who export the grain, of which the Dominican Republic is an important one.
The new agreement provides for a strengthening of the cocoa sector worldwide, helping to support its sustainable development and increase the benefits to all stakeholders in the field of production.
It also improves the availability of information on financial tools and services that can help farmers, including access to new credit and strategies for risk management.
Also, to promote transparency in the world cocoa economy, particularly in marketing the product through the collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant statistics, conducting appropriate studies and also promoting the elimination of trade barriers.
The parties to the Convention recognized the cocoa sector´s contribution to poverty alleviation and the achievement of development goals agreed on at the international level, including the Millennium Development Goals.
The delegation was composed of: Mr.Vasquez, director of Cocoa, Jose Antonio Martinez Rojas, president of the National Cocoa Commission and coordinator of the Subcommittee on Policy and International Conventions, the Dominican Ambassador to Switzerland and Luis Manuel Piantini, among others.
The United Nations Cocoa Conference 2010, which took place from June 21stthrough the 25th, addressed the preparation of a successor agreement to the International Cocoa Agreement established in 2001.
The authors stressed the importance of the cocoa sector to the livelihoods of millions of people, especially in developing countries where small farmers depend on the grain as a direct source of income.
Dominican Republic Live, 22.07.10
6% growth for the economy of the Dominican Republic in 2010
According to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
BREAKING NEWS: The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) projected a growth of 6% for the economy of the Dominican Republic by the end of 2010.
The UN agency has just presented the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean: distributional impact of public policy 2009 – 2010, in Chile.
The report is an annual study by the Economic Development Division of ECLAC, headed by the D irector of the Division, Osvaldo Kacef and coordination of Jurgen Weller.
The Dominican Republic becomes the fastest growing country in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, well above the regional average projected at 5.2%. South American countries Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil recorded the highest growth.
The Central American countries (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador) recorded a growth of 4%, 2%, 2.5%, 2% and 1.5% of GDP.
In contrast, the only countries with significant declines were Venezuela with 3% and Haiti with 8.5%.
According to executive summary of the document, the Latin America and the Caribbean in 2009 experienced a decline of 1.9% of GDP due to the brunt of the financial crisis, but that in the second half of this year a recovery will begin in most countries, which will provide a regional GDP growth on the order of 5.2%.
This region, together with the emerging countries of Asia, was among the most dynamic in the world
, he says.
Dominican Republic Live, 23.07.10
Dominican Republic participates in Dom Expo Fair USA 2010
tourism fair
Sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism and American Airlines
BREAKING NEWS: The Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic and American Airlines have confirmed their exclusive endorsement of Dom Expo USA Fair 2010
, an event which has created significant buzz in the business world of Florida.
This event will take place on September 17th, 18th and 19th of this year in the Miami Double Tree Airport Hotel & Exhibition Center, located at 711 NW 72 Avenue a few minutes from the Miami International Airport.
The so-called Fair of the Caribbean and Latin America
, aims to bring together, under one roof, over a hundred exhibitors from big factories and companies in various countries and Florida, who will have the opportunity to sell their products and offer their services to the more than 20,000 expected to attend this event, which will be free to enter.
In addition to Tourism Dominican and American Airlines, other companies have joined, like the world famous chain of all-inclusive Barcelo Hotels & Resorts, Coco Lopez, SpringHill Suites Marriott, Multivisual, Latina 105.5 FM radio station and the newspapers The Especialito, The Colusa News and The Dominican USA, among others.
The fair is also being sponsored by BP Media + Partners, IB Graphics & Media Group the Hialeah Chamber of Commerce and the Dominican American Chamber of Commerce, who will bring together hundreds of organizations and business enterprises, many of which have been integrated as exhibitors.
We aim to bring together exhibitors from Florida, the Caribbean, and Central and South America, but especially from the Dominican Republic, which is the second largest trading partner of Florida, after Brazil, this is why, we encourage all employers who wish to expand their business to call us at 305-969-1866 and they will be able to participate in this grand event
, commented Isidro Barros, president and organizer of the activity.
Barros, who is of Dominican origin, said that during the event there will be a raffle, free to the public, of airline tickets, hotel stays, computers, restaurant dinners, massages, spa treatments, hair cuts and washes, watches, shopping sprees, among other gifts.
Attendees may also benefit from several lectures given by experts in tourism, immigration, new technology, and financial and import and advice from the District Attorney of Miami.
There will also be performances by Merengue, Bachata, Cumbia and mariachi groups.
Dominican Republic Live, 26.07.10
The Dominican Tourism Competitiveness Consortium presents its Consulting Practicum
With the support of the United States Agency for International Development
BREAKING NEWS: The Dominican Tourism Competitiveness Consortium (CDCT) with the support of the United States Agency for International Development and its project, the Dominican Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (USAID – DSTA), have presented the results of the work of the Consulting Practicum.
The program was conducted in collaboration with teachers and students from the School of Hospitality and Tourism at the Universidad Iberoamericana and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, together with George Washington University (GWU), which led the process of research conducted in the communities La Romana-Bayahibe, Samana, Constanza and Jarabacoa.
The objective of this exercise is to increase research and consulting capacity for future professionals to work in real environments, raising awareness of sustainable tourism, to promote better understanding of sustainable development of communities through tourism, and facilitate its application as a generator ofeconomic growth.
The studies consisted of: desk research, consulting training, field visits, surveys, interviews and focus groups. Students / consultants of PUCMM proposed a seal of quality gourmet and craft for Constanza and Jarabacoa, while those of UNIBE presented the development and implementation of a regional quality label to La Romana Bayahibe, and a manual for the organization and management of cultural festivals which would be implemented in the area of Samaná.
The presentation of the results of the practicum was held in the Auditorium of the Universidad Iberoamericana, UNIBE and was attended by the directors of the hotel and tourism schools of participating universities, Alina Gloria Valdés (UNIBE) and Jetti MaDe Jesus (PUCMM), who were accompanied by the academic authorities and professors from both universities.
Also present were the President of the Dominican Tourism Competitiveness Consortium (CDCT), Rafael Collado, Economic Advisor of the USAID , Duty Greene, among others related to tourism and education.
Dominican Republic Live, 27.07.10
The Ministry of Tourism continues to promote real estate tourism
Dominican Republic offers international Safari
to the entrepreneurs of the country
BREAKING NEWS: The Ministry of Tourism continues to promote real estate tourism on the international market, so it is convening hoteliers, agents, bankers and real estate developers to participate in the tourist Russian – Spanish safari
to be held in St. Petersburg and Barcelona.
The Safari
, as it is called, brings together two important events of the real estate tourism market, The Saint Petersburg International Property Show
and the Barcelona Meeting Point
, which bring together investors from around the world.
The St. Petersburg International Property Show will be held on the 15th and 16th October and then the Dominican Committee will travel to Barcelona to participate in the Barcelona Meeting Point from the 20th to the 24th before returning to the country on the 25th of the month. MITUR will participate in both events with representatives from eight companies, which can include up to three participants at a minimal cost of a thousand dollars for each event.
Those interested in participating can contact Manuel Pacheco, director of Development and Investment Promotion, Ministry of Tourism, or go directly to their offices in Mexico Avenue on the corner of 30 de Marzo, Building D, Government Offices in Santo Domingo.
The deadline to seize this unique opportunity to be present in these two fairs is the first of September, preference is given on a first come first serve basis. The applicants must also complete a solicitation form.The participating entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to meet with potential investors for their projects, sales representatives from established exotic markets, as well as direct sales to the interested parties that attend these fairs from many different countries.
Dominican Republic Live, 28.07.10
websites with a revamped image !
And a growing number of visitors
BREAKING NEWS: The Dominican Republic Live network of websites have a brand new image, designed to better meet the expectations of an increasingly large public.
This change is immediately apparent in the different design of the titles of the different sites, highlighting the word LIVE with modern and attractive colors, which again appear in the menu in the different sections, as well as in the column Today
, and all links of the portal.
The Fashion pages, Deco & Design, Beauty, also have a new look, using brighter colors to create a more attractive image.
In addition to its new look, the network of Live websites features other developments, such as the News Flash
section on the cover, which offers up to the minute local and international news updates.
Further interesting sections include Contemporary Personalities of the Dominican Republic
and » The Characters of the Dominican Republic
. The improvement in the appearance of the sites is a way for the Live team to show its gratitude to the thousands who visit us every day, and the pride we take in bringing you the best news coverage in the Dominican Republic.
Dominican Republic Live, 29.07.10
International Fund for Agricultural Development provides loans to the Dominican Republic and Haiti
To promote rural development and food security
BREAKING NEWS: The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has agreed to provide loans of $ 48.5 million to the Dominican Republic and Haiti to promote the participation of their farmers in the marketplace, the United Nations announced on Thursday.
A provision of $ 28 million will be allocated to projects for rural development in the Dominican Republic and another 20.5 million dollars to create jobs and strengthen food security in Haiti, according to a statement released by the organization, which is based in Rome.
The funds will be used in the Project for the Economic Organizations in the Border Area, in 11 western provinces of the Dominican Republic, and the Economic Development Project, in Central and Eastern zones.
The border project will provide resources to farmers who grow organic coffee and bananas of high quality so that they can effectively sell their products in the marketplace.
Another initiative will work in cooperation with the private sector to improve farmers’ access to domestic and international markets. In Haiti, $ 20.5 million will be shared between two projects: 18 million currently in the design phase and 2.5 million for an initiative to create jobs and irrigation.
In an April meeting, the Executive Board of IFAD approved a package of debt relief for Haiti, following the devastating earthquake that struck the country on January 12th.
We reacted quickly to the disaster with a program of debt relief and our recently approved irrigation and job creation projects, but the scale of this disaster requires a plan that goes beyond these measures
, said IFAD President, Kanayo F. Nwanze.
Mr. Nwanze will visit the Dominican Republic and Haiti next week to assess the challenges facing the rural populations in the two Caribbean countries.
In the Dominican Republic, Mr. Nwanze will meet with Dominican President Leonel Fernandez, to chart a new funding plan for IFAD and address the situation of the country’s agricultural industry.
He will then travel to Haiti to meet with Prime Minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, and officials from Agriculture, Joanas Gué, and Economy and Finance, Ronald Baudin, to assess the impact of January´s earthquake.
The two countries share the island of Española, and although they have languages, histories, cultures and different economic situations, their futures remain intertwined, the statement said.
Dominican Republic Live, 30.07.10