Economist reiterates that the Dominican Republic needs a fiscal reform

The executive vice president of the Regional Center for Sustainable Economic Strategies (CREES), economist Miguel Collado Di Franco, reiterated this Monday that the Dominican Republic needs a reform in the fiscal part, as he understands that the country should not wait to put the house in order in terms of public finances.

“A need for reform in the Dominican Republic, is precisely in the fiscal part, in the fiscal part we from CREES, have been proposing for some time, a law of fiscal responsibility, as established by the Organic Law of the National Development Strategy in its article 35,” said Collado Di Franco while participating in an interview via Skype, in the program Telematutino 11, of Telesistema.

He maintained that they have had a project in the National Congress since 2013, elaborated by CREES and FINJUS.

He expressed that the tax reform and especially his proposal, what it seeks is to regulate some processes and make a kind of simplification of the tax system, generate more jobs and more revenue for the State, in a sustainable way.

Collado Di Franco also explained that although it is true that the pandemic has demanded greater resources, this year we should have already reached a lower percentage of expenditures, so it is questionable the management of finances in this regard.

He said that this is a truly worrisome situation and it is something that needs to be paid attention to and that is why he mentioned that one of the necessary reforms would be for a congressman to empower himself and present a fiscal responsibility law.


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