Ministry of Economy reports 2023 closes with approval of 1,236 public investment projects

The General Directorate of Public Investment of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, reports that 22 public investment projects were approved in December 2023, for a cumulative total of 1,236 projects between January – December, the year with the most projects approved by the rector of the National Public Investment System.

The report “DatoSNIP: Public Investment in Data”, prepared by the General Directorate of Public Investment, points out that the total cost of the projects approved in December was DR 11,425 million, for an accumulated total of DR 180,678.3 million.

The document indicates that 63.6% of the projects approved in December corresponded to the housing and community services sector, with 14 projects. It also points out that 92.9% of the projects approved in December corresponded to urbanization and community services.

It states that the analysis by project cost shows that the largest amount approved corresponds to the transportation sector, with an amount of DR 9,542.1 million.

Likewise, the report states that 99.9% of the amount approved in December will be destined to road transportation projects, specifically, the expansion of a bridge and the construction of road infrastructure.

According to the report, 62.2% of the projects approved between January – December correspond to the education sector, for a total of 769 projects. It points out that 99.4% of these correspond specifically to initial education (764 projects).

He explains that the analysis by cost of the projects shows that the largest amount approved between January – December corresponds to transportation with DR 125,498.7 million.

It details that 69.5 % of the total amount approved between January – December will be destined to transportation,

specifically 35.1 % to the reconstruction of urban road infrastructure nationwide.

Geographical location

The report indicates that Santo Domingo represents the province with the highest number of projects approved in December, with 6 projects, followed by the National District and Barahona with 3 projects each. It states that in Santo Domingo 66.7% of projects are for housing and community services, the same as in the National District and Barahona.

It explains that 44.2 % of the amount approved in December is located in Santo Domingo province, followed by Pedernales and the National District, with 24 % and 20 %, respectively. On the other hand, 88.5% of the amount approved in Santo Domingo will be destined to road transportation.

Likewise, the provinces with the highest number of projects approved between January – December are: Santo Domingo with a total of 136 projects, Santiago with 87 projects, Monte Plata with 75 projects and Duarte with 64 projects.

He adds that a large part of the projects approved for each of these four provinces are for education and transportation, with an average of 66.8% and 23.5%, respectively.

It adds that 20.4 % of the amount approved between January – December is located in the province of Santo Domingo, with 36.9 % of this amount going to the reconstruction of urban road infrastructure. Meanwhile, in Santiago, with an accumulated 10.7% of the amount approved in the same period, 28.6% will be allocated for the same purposes.

It refers that 95.1% of the projects approved in this period (January-December), corresponds to the central government (1,175 projects), followed by 2.7% by public enterprises (33 projects) and, in third place, 1.4% by decentralized and autonomous public institutions (17 projects).

It should be noted that the highest cost belongs to central government projects for an amount of DR$156,404.2 million (86.6% of the total approved in January – December 2023).


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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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