Ministry of Energy and Mines starts mining course for public servants

With the aim of providing reliable and comprehensive academic information on the Dominican mining sector, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) started this Friday a mining course for public servants.

At the opening of the training, the Minister of Energy and Mines, Antonio Almonte, highlighted the need to adequately inform and train Dominican managers, managers, negotiators, jurists, economists, financiers and future politicians on mining matters.

“Mining is an important economic activity for the country and it is essential that public servants have a comprehensive understanding of the sector so that they can make informed decisions about its development,” said Almonte.

For his part, the Vice Minister of Mines, Miguel Ángel Díaz, indicated that the course will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the mining sector, including its history, legislation, processes, technologies and challenges.

“It is crucial that the population receives information on mining with scientific and verifiable data,” said Díaz.

Likewise, Alfonso Rodríguez, Vice Minister of Energy Saving and Efficiency, highlighted, by way of introduction, the importance of essential minerals for the production of a wide range of products, from metals and energy to construction materials and electronic products.


The program will feature 12 experts in geology, mine safety, energy efficiency, metallurgy, communication, economics, sustainability and climate change.

Topics to be developed include the mining process, industrial minerals, challenges of mining projects, environmental and social impact studies, economic relevance of mining, as well as field visits.


The program will last for one month and will train around 60 participants from the Ministries of the Presidency; Foreign Affairs; Environment and Natural Resources; Economy, Planning and Development and Finance, as well as from the Directorate of Strategy and Government Communication, the General Directorate of Internal Taxes, the Central Bank and the Center for Export and Investment, in addition to the governorships of Barahona and Monseñor Nouel.

The mining course for public servants is an important initiative of the Ministry of Energy and Mines to promote the sustainable development of the mining sector in the DR. In this way, MEM is helping to ensure that decisions about the sector are made in an informed and responsible manner, taking into account the economic, environmental and social benefits of mining.


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