The outgoing plenary of the Dominican Medical Association met this Tuesday with the Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera and the director of the National Health Service (SNS), Dr. Mario Lama, where they recognized the achievements of the agreements reached regarding medical residencies and other issues that favor the country’s medical class.
The Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera, informed that as a result of the collaboration of the CMD, the authorities were able to reach an agreement to benefit different doctors, among these he referred to the agreement on medical residencies and the reclassification of positions for thousands of doctors.
In this context, he recalled “that today they have 600 new positions where more opportunities have been given to young doctors, which benefits the Dominican health system”.
Meanwhile, Senén Caba said “we salute this disposition of the MSP and the SNS in which today hundreds of colleagues who have seen their expectations fulfilled in these competitions, which have not been held since 1996, were held for directors, but not for doctors in general and not in all the provinces with the current characteristics”.
On his side, the director of the SNS, Dr. Mario Lama said that the whole process of the medical competition has already concluded, and announced that all those who managed to finish their file in the portal and those who participated, will be included in the system; more than 98% by competition and some 18 or 20 who did not obtain the required score will be included in the system as of January.
He also pointed out that “thanks to the efforts of the Ministry of Health, the National Health Service and the Dominican Medical Association, 200 postgraduate internship positions were added, which are being managed through the CMD and will also be included as of January. Also, 600 doctors received incentives for time in service, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Senén Caba”.
He emphasized that another achievement of the current administration was the reclassification of positions of hundreds of general practitioners to specialists.