Hyatt Ziva and Zilara hotels to begin construction in August

The director of the Punta Bergantín trust, Andrés Marranzini, announced that next August 2024, construction will begin on the first hotels in the tourism project in the northern zone, the Hyatt Ziva and Hyatt Zilara; a venture of the Martinón Group under an agreement with Banco de Reservas, which will involve an investment of over US$200 million.

The executive also stated that the second hotel property is scheduled to start construction in December 2024.

He indicated that they are betting on the development of the destination with several very clear objectives with respect to the project: the first is the reincorporation of the macro strategy and the design that the Government has implemented (the president, Luis Abinader, the Mitur and the Banco de Reservas) to incorporate quality rooms as the great strategy to attract new traffic to Puerto Plata.

Hyatt Ziva y Zilara“What is being planned, what is being developed in Punta Bergantín and what it implies for Puerto Plata is genuinely a test tube of the element or the transformative capacity of tourism in a community. The community of Montellano many do not even remember that it is a municipality, since they only mention Puerto Plata, Sosúa and Cabarete, but among them is Montellano, which is where the project is located”, he recalled.

Project Sustainability

Regarding one of the main issues of the project, sustainability, the executive said that work has already begun on the coral nurseries and the strategy to recover the sea front.

“We are doing very well, the property can be visited, there is already viability to go to the beach, but it is important, when visiting the project, to remember that it is different with respect to beach affectation, we are going to leave the natural vegetation of the beach, it is not a complete dune from the hotel to the beach, but there will be vegetation that retains and prevents erosion on the beach. It is a slightly different development scheme that takes advantage of the benefits of what Puerto Plata is and the benefits of nature being a unique destination, probably the only one in the DR that is integrated into a city,” he added.

Marranzini also said that Ceiztur will be initiating the public feasibility of the project, also planned for August.

For the generation of employment in the area, he explained that “the important thing is the transforming effect and the impact of tourism activity in a community. We have already started the baseline surveys in the Unified System of Beneficiaries (Siuben), to determine the capacity to integrate the community of Montellano and surrounding areas in the labor aspect. Knowing what is missing so that they can be inserted, participate in the jobs that will be created in the project, and that is what it is about, to incorporate community support”.

Know More: Hotels

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