National artists call on citizens to join in reforestation campaigns

Renowned artists of the country urged all citizens to join the reforestation campaigns that are being developed in different parts of the country under the coordination of the Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN) with the support of other state entities, civil society organizations, academic institutions and companies.

In a spontaneous message, artists Ramón Orlando, Cheo Zorrilla, Krisspy, Michel “El Buenón”, Peña Suazo, Monchy Capricho, Enrique Féliz, Carlos Alfredo, Kaki Vargas, Ala Jaza, Henya Tejeda, Rubby Pérez and Dionis Fernández call on the entire population, especially their followers, to plant trees to guarantee the preservation of the forests and water sources of the Dominican Republic.

The group of artists, also joined by Vladimir Dotel, leader of Ilegales, responded to an initiative of singer Ruddy Pérez and environmental activist José García, who urged the entire population to reforest.

“The experience we Dominicans have had this year, with the high temperatures and prolonged drought, should make us understand more than ever the importance of planting trees, especially in the high mountains and around water sources, as well as taking care of the ones we have,” said José García.

Cheo Zorrilla, Crispy and Michel “El Buenón” highlighted the importance of repopulating the Dominican forests in order to have cleaner air and more water.

“I would like that ‘At the birth of every January’, future generations would enjoy pure, clean and breathable air. And that is only possible if we join the National Reforestation Plan today,” said Zorrilla, author of the song.

And paraphrasing other of his songs, the artist pointed out that he does not want that in the future “men of rage cry”, because the new generations will be left with “a country with broken wings”.

“Dominican Republic unites: let’s go to reforestation: plant a tree,” said the renowned artist Michel “El Buenón, in a pleasant conversation with the MMARN press team.

“I am going to collaborate, you do it at home, teach the children in the schools…”, he said, calling on the entire population, as well as other artists, to join forces in favor of the conservation of the forests which, in turn, preserve the country’s water sources.

For his part, merenguero Crispy urged the population to take care of the planet. “We must take care of oxygen. How do we do it? By planting a tree and taking care of our trees. So you too join this cause and plant a tree.”

The latest figures of the National Plan for Reforestation-Restoration of Forest Ecosystems 2023-2024 put the number of trees planted in more than 109,000 tareas at more than 5.5 million.


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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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