Project to identify sports potential presented

The National Institute of Physical Education (Inefi) announced the project “Identifying Latent Sports Potentiality”, presented by Cuban professor Richard Almaguer Lopez, which consists of discovering, through the intrinsic qualities of the athlete, the factors that define the talents that an individual possesses for this or that sport.

Almaguer Lopez emphasized in a press conference this Wednesday that the “latent sports potentialities” refer to those people who are influenced by two important factors, one exogenous and the other endogenous, that is to say, intrinsic aspects in the individual as the physical, anthropometric development, or the type of fibers he/she possesses (fast or slow fibers).

“This work coincides in looking for that potentiality and at the same time seeing what influences it, such as the external aspects that are around the individual; what resources or means he has. All these factors are evaluated in order to begin the process of sports initiation,” he said.

Almaguer López praised the willingness of the executive director of Inefi, Alberto Rodríguez Mella, to accept this project, since it could bring very good results in the future of Dominican sports.

“Inefi, under the direction of its director Alberto Rodríguez, opened the doors for the implementation of this project in the educational centers of the country,” he emphasized.

He stressed that many coaches make the mistake of wanting to integrate a child to a discipline without knowing for sure their psychological aspect, natural qualities and their desire to practice a particular sport.

“The student should make contact with several sports, in order to determine in which one he or she has the best chances of standing out and developing,” he said.

In this sense, Almaguer Lopez insisted that physical and anthropometric tests should be made to the students in the educational centers, emphasizing that tests of strength, resistance, speed, height and weight should be applied, with which it will be possible to determine for which sport he/she will be apt.

He said that there are countries that have different models of sports selection, and said that these are useful because they have a competitive system of talent search, “but we have to apply scientific models, of follow-up, of longitudinal studies, to be able to effectively carry out this study, and try to search, as a result of this model, for other athletes”.

Almaguer López revealed that in order for the DR to get closer to the great powers such as China, the United Kingdom and the United States, this science, which is applied to all sports disciplines, must be applied.

He stressed that physical education is not sport, but it is a basis for initiating students in sport.

For his part, Professor Jacobo Moquete also presented the “Psychomotricity Rooms” project, highlighting its importance for human movement.

“The psychomotor room does not necessarily have to be a space in the school environment; it can be created in homes with the appropriate means, which allow psychomotor development during early and second childhood,” said Moquete in his speech.

For his part, the director of INEFI, Rodríguez Mella, at the time of giving his speech, approved both projects.

“Since we arrived at the institution we emphasized the training of the teaching direction, with some international and local explosion congresses, but now we are going from theory to practice with these projects presented by these two teachers,” said Rodriguez Mella.

“I want to tell you that these projects presented in a masterful way, of these two teachers, will be supported by 100% by the Government and by this institution,” said Rodriguez Mella.


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