2023, a year of technological breakthroughs with electronic invoicing

The Director General of Internal Taxes (DGII), Luis Valdez Veras, considered 2023 as historic in terms of advances in the tax collection entity, which had great challenges and challenges, among which he highlighted electronic invoicing as the milestone that marks the technological transformation of the tax administration.

“The implementation of electronic invoicing will impact the future of the tax administration, not only in terms of tax collection, but also in terms of vanguard and modernization”, explained Valdez Veras.

He revealed that to date the DGII has surpassed 240 million electronic invoices received, with 700 taxpayers invoicing in this format, which is a sign of the great support of the business associations towards the DGII in this implementation.

When interviewed by Marleny Hernández on the DGII 360 program, the official reminded that this coming January 15 is the deadline for the first group of Large Taxpayers that must implement electronic invoicing in their companies and they have until May 15, 2024 to join.

Another technological advance that Valdez Veras highlighted is the implementation of SAP’s ERP and HCM SuccessFactors (Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing) tools for the financial and human resources management of the institution.

“The DGII is the first institution in the public sector to have an ERP that automates the financial and human resources systems,” said Valdez Veras.

He also said that work will continue to strengthen the modules of the Virtual Office, the DGII mobile application and the expansion of the Data Center to store the large volume of electronic invoicing received.

He also expressed that they are working so that the institution can achieve the certifications of the ISO Anti-bribery and Compliance standards, for which they expect an audit in the first quarter of this year.

Valdez Veras assured that, in addition to these technological achievements, one of the main achievements of his administration has been to bring the tax administration closer to the taxpayer, which has allowed the DGII to be perceived as a facilitating institution and not a persecuting one.

“The population that uses the services has noticed a change that has entailed many sacrifices,” Valdez Veras indicated.


Valdez Veras reported that the DGII ended 2023 with a collection of DR 766,288.8 million and revealed that for this 2024 the institution has planned – according to the General State Budget Law – an estimated collection of DR 820,000 million.

“These 820,000 million pesos represent a growth of 7.5% in relation to the year 2023. We have a great challenge ahead of us to meet this goal, which will be tied to the economic growth that the country may experience,” he stressed.

Law 51-23

Regarding Law 51-23, which establishes a special transitory treatment for tax debt control, management and recovery, Valdez Veras pointed out the 22,000 applications received that were submitted under said law, mostly from small and medium taxpayers, for which reason at the culmination of the process the institution will render a report to the National Congress with all the details of what was collected through the law.

“The purpose of this institution is not to close businesses, but to facilitate that resources continue to be generated that the State can use for the construction of social works and that the economy continues to move, because with closed businesses it is not possible for the economy to flow,” he added.

Motor vehicles

Regarding motor vehicles, Valdez Veras pointed out that since his arrival at the DGII, processes have been regularized and protocols have been adjusted in the Department of Motor Vehicles, in order to put an end to improper practices that were taking place in this division and that the new policies have generated more confidence and transparency in the sector.

An example of this is the Provisional Electronic License Plate (PP), through which whoever acquires a vehicle can validate the moment in which the issuance of the definitive license plate is requested and the time it will take for its delivery, thus giving more guarantees to the process.

In this sense, he indicated that corrective measures have been implemented to avoid fraud and crimes against taxpayers or the tax administration.

“We discovered 347 counterfeit PP plates and that information was passed on to the dealers, which resulted in those people being expelled from the associations. We will then initiate legal action against them,” said Valdez Veras, while noting that they will continue to act against these bad practices.


Valdez Veras pointed out that the institution has carried out 1,800 trainings, through its Tax Education Department, impacting 92,000 people at school, university and association levels throughout the country.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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