Exchange of experiences for tourism management in Central America and the Dominican R.

CATA, the Central American Tourism Promotion Agency, held the first Exchange of Experiences between Central America and the Dominican Republic for Integral Tourism Management.

We are talking about a virtual space for frank dialogue with the purpose of strengthening the tourism industry in times of reactivation, which was attended by nearly 200 people.

In recent years the actions of the countries have managed to put the eyes of the world on Central America and the Dominican Republic, who through tourism have generated positive results by positioning themselves with their specialized products in different areas, thus achieving international recognition for the management of a tourism offer that values the potential of the region.

That is why during the meeting organized by CATA, ministers and deputy ministers of Tourism, delegates of the National Tourism Authorities together with the presidents of the business chambers of Central America and the Dominican Republic, represented in FEDECATUR and Asonahores, as well as the executive secretary of SITCA, addressed various topics of interest.

Success models, digital transformation and management of the tourism sector in times of Covid-19 to share from their experiences the management schemes of their star products, were some of them.

At the inauguration, the Minister of Tourism of Guatemala and President Pro Tempore of CATA, said that ‘be assured that Guatemala will continue to promote actions through the Board of CATA for the recovery of tourism in this magnificent multi-destination so rich and varied in culture, history and nature, in which the offer of one country perfectly complements the other’.

For her part, Carolina Briones, secretary general of CATA, said that ‘we are sure that the future of tourism is being built day by day, the accumulation of actions that we have been carrying out as a region since the mitigation stage will allow us to reach in the coming years a phase of optimal recovery, which will allow us to be reborn as a more powerful sector because together we add up’.

The first Exchange of Experiences for the Integral Management of Tourism took place within the framework of the Strategy for Tourism Promotion and Integration between Central America and the Dominican Republic, executed by CATA, which seeks to deepen the levels of integration between the countries of the region by promoting knowledge, transformation, innovation and resilience of the sector.

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