More than 257 thousand Colombians visited the Dominican Republic in 2022, making the country the main source of tourists from Latin America to this destination.
Wingo transported 273 thousand travelers to and from this country in 2022, representing a 120% growth compared to the number flown in 2021.
The airline offers a robust route network to the Dominican Republic from Colombia, connecting Bogota and Medellin with Santo Domingo and Punta Cana directly.
The Minister of Tourism of the Dominican Republic, David Collado Morales, and the CEO of Wingo, Eduardo Lombana, signed a new agreement to implement a tourism cooperation agreement to encourage greater demand for travel between Colombia and the Dominican Republic. This cooperation agreement was signed in the middle of ANATO’s Vitrina Turística, where the Dominican Republic is the guest of honor.
Wingo is currently the leading low-cost airline in the international connection between Colombia and the Dominican Republic, with four direct routes between both territories, connecting Punta Cana with Bogota and Medellin, and Santo Domingo with these same Colombian cities. In this way, Wingo consolidates its position as the low cost carrier in the Colombian market with the largest number of routes and destinations abroad.
How is the passenger flow between Colombia and the Dominican Republic?
According to figures from the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic, Colombia is the main source of tourists from Latin America to this Caribbean destination. In 2022 alone, 257 thousand Colombians selected this country for vacationing, representing nearly 30% of total inflows from South America and growing by 141% if compared to what was achieved in 2019. In fact, 2022 was the year with the highest number of Colombian tourists in the Dominican Republic and 2023 is expected to close with 313 thousand travelers.
These growth figures coincide with Wingo’s operating numbers, which in 2022 transported 273 thousand travelers to and from the Dominican Republic, representing a 120% growth compared to what was obtained in 2021. The contribution of the Medellín- Santo Domingo route, which began operations in March 2022 and became the first direct connection available between these two cities, has been fundamental to this performance. It also contributed to the implementation of charter flights between Bogota and Santiago de los Caballeros, which will continue to be developed in 2023 as more demand is identified on this route.
But the growth of the tourist flow is of bilateral order; since last year more than 88 thousand Dominicans visited Colombia, according to figures from Migration Colombia, ranking seventh in the arrival of foreigners for tourism purposes. This reflects a growth of 167% with respect to 2019.
“Dominican Republic is one of the main destinations in our route network, as nearly 20% of our international routes are directed to this Caribbean country. We are proud to close this new promotional agreement with the Minister of Tourism in the middle of ANATO’s Vitrina Turística, in which this country is the guest of honor. From Wingo we will continue to promote more and more international connectivity between both territories,” said Eduardo Lombana, CEO of Wingo.
After signing the agreement, the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, said that it is a great step to ensure that more tourists continue to come to the Dominican Republic. “Thanks to Wingo for their ongoing support. Agreements like this guarantee that more Colombians can travel to enjoy our country, as we have become their favorite destination,” said Minister Collado.
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