The Dominican Republic continues to be a country in compliance with the safety standards required by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to allow foreign airlines to operate in its territory.
The director general of the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC), Román E. Caamaño, said in a press release that the country maintains its category 1 status, thanks to compliance with safety standards and the continuous supervision carried out by the Directorate of Safety Oversight and the Directorate of Flight Standards.
The nation regained category 1 status in 2007, after 14 years in which it remained in category 2, the information added.
“The (IDAC) sees the need to clarify and deny an information published by the international news agency EFE, in a Mexico City newspaper dated July 25 of this year, which was replicated by several national media,” Caamaño said.
The official said that, according to this information, the Dominican Republic was downgraded to category 2 by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States, “information that we understand could be due to an error made by the EFE Agency”.
The general directorate of the IDAC considered the clarification timely, “specifically because such a confusion could affect the image of the country and its air system”, damage tourism activity and the “great effort” that President Luis Abinader is carrying out so that the Dominican Republic remains a safe destination, since about 95% of passengers enter the country by air.
“That unfortunate information without any basis or veracity, could, without being the intention, damage the prestige achieved in the field of civil aviation and impact the security felt by foreign and national airlines when operating in our country, negatively influencing the generation of passengers or tourists to the national territory,” the statement asserted.
Agencia EFE issued this Sunday a note where it corrects a previous information, and in which it excludes the Dominican Republic from the group of countries that are in category 2.