Armed Forces and National Police academic officers announce softball tournament

The 2021 version of the softball tournament organized by the league of Academic Officers of the Armed Forces and the National Police (Lisoa) starts on Friday, August 6 and its tenth anniversary version will be dedicated to the Faraones promotion (2000-2004), in commemoration of their 20 years of service.

The competition will compete for the “Confraternity and Brotherhood, Armed Forces and National Police” cup, 2021. The opening game will be between the teams Centuriones 01 vs Intocables 11.

The purpose of this event is to strengthen fraternal ties between officers graduated from the military academies and the National Police.
The official opening will be at 5:00 pm at the Ministry of Defense stadium and will be attended by the Director General of the National Police, Major General Edward Sánchez González and Carlos Fernández Onofre, Major General of the Dominican Republic Army, President of the Retirement Board of the Armed Forces.

The tournament will feature 18 teams made up mostly of officers who are graduates of the various military and police academies, said Lieutenant Commander Darwin Montero Mateo Montero of the Dominican Republic Navy, who is the president of the Lisoa.

The trophy Confraternity and Brotherhood, Armed Forces and National Police-2021, which will be disputed in the competition. (External source)
The Confraternity and Brotherhood Trophy, Armed Forces and National Police-2021, which will be disputed at the competition. (External source)
The technical direction will be in charge of Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Sánchez Martínez, of the Army of the Dominican Republic, Aquilino Rosario Báez and Eliú Reyes. The Disciplinary Tribunal is in charge of Lieutenant Colonel José Hernández Rodríguez, of the National Police.

Among the teams called to the competition are Centuriones 01, Gladiadores 02, Inmortales 03, Faraones 04, Titanes 05, Legionarios 07 and Moperipas 08.

Also Spartans 10, Warriors 09, Untouchables 11, Trabucos 2, New Blood 13, Princes 14, Monarchs 15, Hurricanes 16, Veterans 17, Sharks 18 and Combatants 19.

“This event aims to strengthen fraternal ties between officers graduated from the military academies and the National Police, through the practice of a family sport such as softball,” said the senior officer.

The preliminary round concludes on September 12, after six days of 18 games every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the stadiums of the military and National Police institutions.

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