Abinader creates Public Infrastructure Oversight Commission for Climate Change

President Luis Abinader created by decree the Commission for the Supervision of Public Infrastructure in the face of Climate Change, with the purpose of identifying, as soon as possible, the vulnerabilities of the main works built on places that represent a greater risk of deterioration as a consequence of the extreme changes implied by climate change.

These public works include overpasses, tunnels, overpasses, bridges, pedestrian bridges, slopes in critical conditions and public buildings.

The commission is created by Decree 603-23 and will report to the President of the Republic, administratively attached to the Ministry of the Presidency. Its functions will cease when the objectives for which it was created are achieved.


Bimonthly reports will be submitted to the President of the Republic, so that he may instruct the competent institution to stop the corresponding corrective measures, in order to avoid possible damages.

In addition, it shall recommend to the President of the Republic the updating, by means of a decree, of the preventive and corrective technical maintenance policies of all public works, which establish minimums for the supervision and maintenance of public works.


The members shall perform this work on an honorary basis, with no consideration whatsoever for its members. It will be chaired by geologist Osiris de León, while the executive direction will be exercised by the director of the National Office of Seismic Evaluation and Vulnerability of Infrastructure and Buildings (Onesvie).

It will also include representatives of the Ministries of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), Housing, Habitat and Buildings (Mived) and the Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors (Codia).

Likewise, representatives of the engineering faculty of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (Intec), the Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) and the National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), and may invite to its sessions other state or private sector agencies linked to the engineering and architecture sectors and deans of their respective academies.

Source: presidencia.gov.do

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