Father’s Day boosts trade

In the different shopping centers of the capital and other parts of the country, sales of different articles increased this Saturday for “Father’s Day”, which will be celebrated tomorrow, Sunday.

Customers came to buy gifts to please their father.

During a tour by El Nacional through the different commercial establishments, it was observed that domino tables, plastic coolers, shirts, pants, shoes and other items were being sold.

In the commercial artery of the popular Duarte Avenue, there was an increased flow of people acquiring items to give to parents.

Customers take advantage of the offers and discounts on a wide range of products such as televisions, stoves, refrigerators, air conditioners, sound equipment, among others.

Mrs. Francisca Portoreal, said that she had waited for the last day of the fathers’ holiday to buy an appliance at a special price. She took the opportunity to buy a speaker.

While Marleny Suero said that she will make a special lunch for her husband and the whole family.

The flow of customers increased in shopping malls.

“We are going to do an activity at home, with the whole family, a comelona”, expressed the lady.

On the other hand, Mrs. María Mendoza, who was buying a plasma TV in the same store, pointed out the little commercial activity that usually takes place in the country, before and during the celebration of Father’s Day.

“I find that fathers are not given the same prominence as mothers. I believe that the sales that there are for mothers are not there for fathers, although there is movement and you can see it, but with mothers people overflow. But it’s good that there are people buying,” said Mrs. Mendoza.

A father who was looking to buy a TV, was asked the reason for his purchase, who kindly answered that “it was a self-gift for parents because he deserves it”.

While in the stores visited it was evident that the flow of women were buying gifts for their husbands, fathers and in-laws. After being questioned about which items they preferred to give as gifts, they said they opted to buy “cheaper things” such as shirts, T-shirts, pants and shoes, instead of televisions or stereos.

Yomaira Santos, a lady who was in the clothing area, assured that the prices of clothing have increased compared to last year, so she said she would only buy a T-shirt. “There is variety, but the offers are few,” added Arias Frías.

Meanwhile, in shopping malls it was found that people were looking for personalized gifts.

Intensified work

On the occasion of Parents’ Day, the Mayor’s Office of the National District intensified the work of conditioning in the main cemeteries of the capital, so that they are in optimal conditions to receive those who visit the tombs of their loved ones.

The operation, ordered by Mayor Carolina Mejía, is being carried out in the Máximo Gómez National Cemetery, Cristo Rey and Cristo Redentor, in addition to the brigades that permanently carry out cleaning and maintenance works in the cemeteries.

With this action, the city council seeks to provide a greater dignity to the cemeteries in moments when they receive a great number of visitors, as it happens for Mother’s Day.

A note

Flower arrangements

With flower arrangements and candles in their hands, was the scene of some people who went to visit the graves of their parents in the Máximo Gómez National Cemetery. In addition, the nostalgic face of many was noticeable


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