Joel Santos Echavarría highlights government measures to improve traffic in the country

The Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos Echavarría, highlighted this Tuesday the measures that the government is implementing to improve traffic in the country, pointing out the importance of addressing this issue in a comprehensive manner with all sectors of society.

Santos Echavarría offered these words while heading the first Urban Mobility Forum, organized by the newspaper Listín Diario, in coordination with the universities Unphu, Intec, Intrant and the Ministry of the Presidency, in which participated governmental organizations and civil society organizations linked to the transit sector, in order to listen to different proposals to improve mobility in the country.

“The importance of this seminar lies in being able to contribute short-term ideas that complement the government’s strategy. We are committed to improving the quality of life of Dominicans through better sustainable urban mobility. The area of transportation is a fundamental axis for territorial progress, which is why urban mobility is one of the strategic pillars of this Government”, said the Minister of the Presidency.

The Minister pointed out that upon the arrival of the Government of President Luis Abinader, the Transportation Cabinet was created, which integrates the institutions with responsibilities in the area, such as Intrant, Omsa, Digesett, Optret and the Trust for the Development of the Mass Transportation System of the Dominican Republic (Fitram), under the leadership of the Ministry of the Presidency, an organization that implemented these short and medium term measures already conceived, through the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.

Government measures

Santos Echavarría mentioned the operation of the road corridors, which offer collective services in high flow avenues such as Núñez de Cáceres, Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle and others that are being evaluated for their implementation during 2024.

The extension of Line 1 of the Santo Domingo Metro, which will reach San Felipe de Villa Mella; Line 2C, which will connect Los Alcarrizos with the Kilometer 9 station of the Duarte Highway and which will be complemented with the Trébol, a remodeling project of the entrance to the city, which includes the extension of the Duarte and Luperón highways with 6 and 14 lane access roads, which will speed up the flow of more than 500,000 daily trips between urban and suburban passengers.

The Los Alcarrizos Cable Car, which will have a positive impact on more than 400,000 Dominicans residing in that sector and surrounding areas.

In Santiago de los Caballeros, the test phase of the cable car, with an extension of 4 kilometers and 4 stations, as well as the advanced works of the first monorail in the entire region of Central America and the Caribbean, with 13 kilometers and 14 stations. We already have the first train of this monorail in the country, which indicates that, in record time, we will also be able to see what will be the transformation of mass transportation in the Heart of the City.

The connection of the five entrances to Santo Domingo with an efficient, fast and accessible public transportation system, which will bring the best transportation system to those most in need: the citizens of Santo Domingo East, Santo Domingo North, Santo Domingo West, Los Alcarrizos, San Cristobal, Bajos de Haina, Guerra and Boca Chica, among other measures that will mark a before and after in the urban mobility of the DR.

The Urban Mobility Forum was organized by the Listín Diario newspaper, in coordination with the Universidad Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (Intec), the Instituto Nacional de Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre (Intrant), and the Ministerio de la Presidencia (Minpre).


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