Women’s Soccer World Cup boosts tourism in Santiago

Ramón Paulino, president of Clúster Santiago Destino Turístico, valued as highly positive for the tourism development of the city, the signing of an agreement between the Mayor’s Office of Santiago with the Dominican Football Federation (FEDOFUTBOL), in collaboration with the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) for the realization of the U-17 Women’s World Cup.

He considered that bringing the Women’s World Cup to Santiago is part of the tourism boost that Santiago needs, a city that works in the realization of events, and will place in places where they had possibly never heard of this city.

Mundial Femenino Santiago“Soccer occupies the first place of the most played games in the world, followed by more than a quarter of gamers, that will place us in places where possibly they had never heard of us, this is a huge opportunity that I know our mayor will take advantage of,” he assured.

Paulino said that “the Women’s World Cup will be held from October 16 to November 3 of this year, it will be about 19 days and will be sharing the venue with Santo Domingo, but the greatness of the event is that it not only brings the players, but with them come from several days before, the coaches and also soccer fans. There will be many days of high presence of foreigners who will require, in many cases, staff who speak several languages, we will have a great opportunity, but also a great challenge”.

For the Santiago Tourism Cluster, the celebration of the Women’s World Cup will mark a before and after, not only for the sport, but also for tourism in the city.


Know More: Destinations, Tourism

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