Pro-Pedernales Trust: Sustainable Strategy

The Pro-Pedernales Trust, the Sur Futuro Foundation and the General Directorate of Public-Private Partnerships (DGAPP), as trustor, signed an inter-institutional collaboration agreement for the development and execution of strategies to promote tourism growth based on environmental and social sustainability in the province of Pedernales and the Enriquillo region.

The agreement, which was signed by the executive director of the DGAPP, Sigmund Freund, and the president of the Sur Futuro Foundation, Melba Segura de Grullón, in a ceremony held at the DGAPP headquarters, will promote an action plan to ensure the necessary balance between the development of tourism and the care of the natural resources of the area.

Layout of the Sur Futuro function

For this reason, Freund emphasized the importance of the agreement and his satisfaction for the willingness of the Sur Futuro Foundation to contribute its great experience in the management of actions in favor of sustainable development, the protection of the environment, biodiversity and natural resources.

He explained that since the Master Plan for the Cabo Rojo Tourism Development Project was drawn up, the issue of socio-environmental sustainability has been a non-negotiable pillar in any decision that has been made, and that it is a commitment assumed as a transversal axis in the establishment of the destination.

Pro Pedernales Cabo Rojo“For us it is an honor that today we are signing this agreement with the Sur Futuro Foundation, for which we thank Mrs. Melba Segura de Grullón for her willingness to assume the commitment to be part of this destination, to join efforts with the Pro-Pedernales Trust and the DGAPP and that together we guarantee a model destination in terms of socio-environmental management,” he said.

Melba Segura de Grullón explained the importance of the signed framework agreement, indicating that it opens the doors to environmental and social sustainability of development plans in the province, with an impact on the entire Enriquillo region.

She pointed out that it was imperative to get involved in the most important project to fight poverty and promote development in the Southern region, an initiative led by the President of the Republic and focused on one of the neediest provinces of the country.

Details of the agreement

Among the commitments assumed by the Trust, the DGAPP and the Sur Futuro Foundation are: the preservation of cultural traditions, the rational use and protection of natural resources, the promotion of programs for the conservation and reproduction of endemic and native flora of the region, in the different tourist, residential and/or commercial projects.

The agreement also contemplates the consolidation of Integrated Solid Waste Management, the development of resilience strategies in the face of climate change, the management of risks to natural phenomena, the promotion of formal, non-formal and informal environmental education, and the promotion of initiatives that contribute to the conservation of protected areas, the adequate management of tourism inflows, and the promotion of a tourism safety plan that includes health aspects.

The entities will work to provide support

The entities will also work to support the development and growth of MSMEs and promote a financial inclusion strategy. In addition, they intend to work in a comprehensive manner to encourage the strengthening of local organizations (tourism cluster, fishermen’s association, tourist guide association, community leaders, among others) that can help the sustainable growth of the province.

Local growth, through the strengthening of the tourism sector’s value chain by creating and marketing tourism products, preferably nature-based, is another pillar of this agreement, together with the rescue and strengthening of existing training centers and the promotion of new ones.

The entities will ensure the development of training and inductions that reinforce knowledge and, at the same time, are conducive to closing gender gaps. Likewise, they agree to promote activities that favor the inclusion of young people and the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.


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