MIP agrees discounts with pharmacies for police and firefighters

The Ministry of Interior and Police, in the framework of police dignity and modernization, agreed with pharmacies and laboratories on discounts for police officers and firefighters on medicines and tests, which allow them to save up to 45%.

With the new achievement promoted by the institution, these servants will receive discounts between 10 and 25% in Farmacia Carol, GBC and Los Hidalgos, as well as in Lam (pharmaceutical) and Analisa (clinical) laboratories. The agreements were signed by Minister Jesús Vásquez Martínez and the representatives of the establishments.

For the benefits, policemen, firemen and employees of the Interior and Police will receive discounts in all branches of the country of the branches of Farmacia Medicar GBC, of 23 %; in the Carol, of 20 % and in Los Hidalgos, of 10 %. In addition, they will get reductions of 25 % at Laboratorios Lam and reductions in the co-payment of laboratory tests at Analisa.

“The time of asking for help is over”.

During the signing, at the MIP headquarters, Vásquez Martínez affirmed that asking for help to buy a prescription from these public servants is in the past. “This is a very emotional, very important act; it shows that when the State and the private sector join forces, spectacular results are achieved.”

He expressed his satisfaction that these agreements have been made and that today police officers and firefighters obtain such an important discount with the pharmacies and laboratories that assumed the agreement.

He assured that they are making the greatest effort in history to give the Dominican people the best levels of citizen security and reiterated his gratitude to the members of the police and fire departments for trusting that this would be possible.

He affirmed that after decades of being left in oblivion by past authorities and thanks to the reforms and actions for their dignity, police and firefighters now have their basic needs covered and work in more appropriate conditions to contribute to their efficiency and modernization.

“The time of asking for help to buy a prescription is over. This is part of the dignification of you, our policemen and firemen”, he said.

He emphasized that, although there is still more to be done, during the government headed by President Luis Abinader, significant progress has been made in favor of these workers.

He recalled that after finding the marked shortages affecting police and firefighters, in August 2020, during these four years the government has made great gains. Achievements that include an improvement in their quality of life and welfare for them and their families.

He cited salary increases, medical insurance with good coverage, as well as life insurance and, in the case of law enforcement officers, they are already part of the “Happy Family” Housing Plan.

He also mentioned discounts for the purchase of food, telephone and internet services, donations of portable telephones (cell phones) and computers and access to free public transportation on the buses of the Metropolitan Office of Bus Services (Omsa), Metro and Cable Car of Santo Domingo, among other benefits.

The Minister of Interior and Police is convinced that “the security and dignity of the police officers is positively reflected in their commitment to citizen security”.

He specified that the public and private sectors united can achieve great conquests.

Details of the new achievements

Vásquez Martínez highlighted the magnitude of the achievements made so far and which have been promoted by his administration for police officers and firefighters, as a way of dignifying the work that these men and women perform for the benefit of society.

Under the agreements, the beneficiaries will only be required to present at the pharmacies and laboratories their employee identification card, their legible identity and voter’s card and the medical prescription in their name.

According to the agreements signed, milk, proteins, disposable diapers and any other product not included in the discount policies of these companies will not be included in the discounts.

The signing of the agreements was attended by Carmen Rodríguez Vargas, manager, and Johanna Collado, for Farmacia Medicar GBC; Gregoru A. de la Cruz Grullón, Raúl Peña Medina, Scarlet Sánchez Contreras, for Farmacia Carol, and Ernesto Martínez, for Farmacia Los Hidalgos.

Also, the director of the National Police, Major General Ramón Antonio Guzmán Peralta; the director of the National Emergency System 911, Army Colonel Randolfo Rijo; the chief of the Fire Brigade of San Francisco de Macorís, General Luis Esmurdoc; the intendant of the Fire Brigade of the National District, General José Luis Frómeta Herasme, vice ministers and other officials and collaborators of the Interior and Police.

Citizen Security

The pharmacies promised to make their (external) video surveillance cameras available to contribute to the authorities in the prosecution and solution of crimes. A similar agreement was reached earlier with the Association of Betting Banks.


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