Institutions attached to Environment strengthen environmental education

The directors of seven institutions attached to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN) reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen inter-institutional coordination to promote environmental education, conservation and research.

“It is important that we continue working in coordination, especially in the area of environmental education, because what will allow us to have a sustainable country will be the formation of our sons and daughters, whom we must teach to have a relationship of respect with nature,” said the Minister of Environment, Miguel Ceara Hatton, when leading the meeting.

Ceara Hatton added that to the extent that each institution is strengthened, in a coordinated manner, the institutional framework will be consolidated and “the sensitivity of our communities to the environment and natural resources will grow”.

He recalled that among the priorities of his administration are the promotion of education to create a culture of sustainability and the capacity to adapt to climate change.

The meeting was attended by Daryelin Torres, director of Environmental Education of MMARN; José Vásquez, rector of the Technical Institute of Higher Studies in Environment and Natural Resources (Itesmarena), and Pedro Suárez, director of the National Botanical Garden (JBN).

Also, Celeste Mir, director of the National Museum of Natural History; Julio Arias Trinidad, administrative and financial director of the National Aquarium; Daniel Gómez, deputy director of Indrhi; Arístides Santana, deputy director of the Technical Executing Unit of Agroforestry Development Projects (Utepda), and Karina Núñez, of the Manuel Valverde Podestá National Zoo.

The director of environmental education, Daryelin Torres, emphasized that “the affiliated institutions are classrooms in nature, in addition to serving as recreational spaces where family members enjoy and learn about the natural heritage of our country”.

Torres, who coordinated the meeting on the occasion of the celebration of World Environmental Education Day, to be held on January 26th, highlighted the work of the affiliated institutions in bringing them closer to the public, as well as their research and scientific dissemination.


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