It is expected that in 2024, some 50 to 70 shooting stars will be seen every hour, approximately one meteor per minute.
The Perseids meteor shower that occurs every year between the months of July and August will reach its maximum activity between midnight this Sunday, August 11 and dawn on Tuesday, August 13 and will be visible from the Dominican Republic.
It is expected that in 2024, some 50 to 70 shooting stars will be seen every hour, approximately one meteor per minute and, according to the Dominican Astronomical Society (Astrodom), the maximum of the Perseids will be seen on the 12th and 13th of this month.
The fame of the Perseids is due to the fact that it is the meteor shower with the most shooting stars and these are the brightest.
5 tips for observing shooting stars
- Stay away from light pollution! You should avoid city lights. Any elevation in open country will do. Mountaintops are also great places to observe, as their altitude serves to reduce haze in the air and light pollution.
- It will take about 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darker sky, so get out early and be patient.
- Look at the part of the sky that is darkest at your location. Although it may be tempting, avoid using binoculars or a telescope. It’s better to look at the whole sky than a small part of it, and your eyes will automatically move to any movement in the sky. Avoid looking at your cell phone or other lights during the meteor shower, as this will impair your night vision.
- It is important to be comfortable. To avoid a stiff neck, bring a lounger or reclining lawn chair. A sleeping bag on the ground may also work. Look for a slight incline so that your head is higher than your feet. Bring an extra layer of clothing if you are concerned about getting cold; when you are sitting or lying outdoors at night, your body heat radiates directly into the sky.
- While the meteor shower is best when there is no moonlight, you can still observe shooting stars if the Moon is nearby. Just look away from the Moon while searching for meteors.