JAC: Three airlines lead the flow of DR passengers

The Civil Aviation Board (JAC), evidenced that Arajet maintains a wide leadership among the national airlines, since it mobilized 55,607 passengers, while in second place was placed SkyHigh Aviation with 10,682 passengers and in third place and Air Century with 4,404 passengers, being the three Dominican airlines with greater mobilization of passengers in February 2024.

Aerolineas con mayor tráficoIn that sense, the executive director of Arajet, Victor Pacheco Mendez, expressed his gratitude to the passengers who have trusted to travel to know new experiences visiting other countries in their aircrafts.

“In Arajet we have the firm commitment to continue offering a service with the highest quality standards to continue with our goal of democratizing the skies connecting from the southern cone to North America,” he said.

He also emphasized that to the official figures of the JAC must be added the passengers in transit or connections, which according to the company’s figures represent 21,000 additional passengers, making Arajet the second airline with the highest passenger movement at the Las Americas International Airport (AILA).

Source: Arecoa.com

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