Minerd uses AI in the Open Book educational platform

The Ministry of Education of the RD (Minerd) announced that it has incorporated an artificial intelligence chatbot to the Open Book program, which will allow students to enrich their educational process with specific questions about doubts or concerns related to textbooks or educational areas.

The tool will also be very useful for teachers, to whom this bot will be able to suggest new teaching strategies and topics to help their students achieve more and better learning.

Víctor Hernández, general director of Information and Communication Technologies of the Minerd, explained that the Open Book project has been strengthened in order to guarantee a good user experience, without being affected by the number of simultaneous consultations.

He specified that the inclusion of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5-turbo model enhances the understanding and analysis of questions, providing contextually accurate answers.

“This advanced tool enables a deeper and richer interpretation of queries, improving the efficiency of artificial intelligence analysis,” he said.

The Libro Abierto project is a collection of free school textbooks for students in the public sector of the RD available for all pre-university level courses, in all subjects and IA Libro Abiertoin two versions: printed and digital, downloadable on the Minerd’s Libro Abierto platform.

Elaboration of the contents

The elaboration of the contents was in charge of a group of specialists from the country’s universities and science academies, who have already elaborated 90 texts that comply with the curricular adaptation and editorial quality standards.

Hernández said that the platform offers a coherent and advanced environment that maximizes the artificial intelligence tools selected to achieve a comprehensive and accurate analysis of the books.

“During the months that the project has been on the air, teachers, students and their families have been able to perceive the benefits of a democratized education, which breaks the educational barriers that for centuries have stopped the development of our country,” he said.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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