Villa Riva sanitary sewerage system inaugurated

Vice President Raquel Peña and Wellington Arnaud, executive director of the Institute of Drinking Water and Sewerage (Inapa), inaugurated the sanitary sewerage system of the municipality of Villa Riva, Duarte province, a work that had been demanded for more than 20 years.

Arnaud said that once again President Luis Abinader fulfills his promise with the inauguration of this work, while pointing out that the statistics in the hospitals for skin and intestinal problems will be reduced, in addition to the fact that the houses of the community now acquire added value.

According to what was reported, the investment of the sewage system exceeded DR 756 million pesos.

“It is not fortuitous that, in recent days, the president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) said in an activity in Punta Cana that the country is a model of development; this is due, precisely, to the vision of the president, who has dedicated every peso of the people to improve the quality of life of the people”, pointed out Sistema Cloacal Villa RivaArnaud.

On her side, Vice President Raquel Peña said that today is a historic day for Villa Riva because “we are delivering this work which, as Wellington said, although it cannot be seen, it can be felt in the health of the people”.

He added that President Abinader is committed to work hard on water and health issues.

The following participated in the activity:

The governor of Duarte province, Ana Xiomara Cortés; the executive director of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi), Olmedo Caba Romano; Congressman José Luis Rodríguez; the mayor of Villa Riva, Leo Carola; the mayor-elect of San Francisco de Macorís, Alex Díaz, and the businessman Manuel Estrella, among other authorities, participated in the activity.

“Now we have authorities who do not hide, on the contrary, now we are listened to; we thank the current authorities for heeding our call,” said community member Felicia Lora.


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