Abinader announces renegotiation of Aerodom contract

President Luis Abinader announced this Tuesday the renegotiation of Aerodom’s concession contract, which was signed in 1999 and did not generate benefits for the Dominican State, in addition to the fact that “it did not guarantee the best conditions in airport infrastructures”.

However, the president said that this renegotiation “represents a benefit for the Dominican Republic of between 1,905 and 2,155 million dollars. That is the difference in the negotiations carried out by our government and the previous one”.

During his speech, broadcast on national television and digital platforms, President Abinader added that an agreement was reached which, by guaranteeing a greater participation of the State in the benefits generated by the operation of the airports, will generate resources that will be used for the benefit of Dominicans.

The bill will be deposited in the next few days in the legislative chamber for its necessary congressional approval.

The negotiation was supervised by a commission integrated by public officials and reputable members of society, such as Franklin Báez Brugal, Juan Lladó, Fernando Enrique, Pedro Silverio, Jorge Luis Polanco and the Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos.

Initial payment of US $775 million

The aforementioned sums will be received through different channels such as an initial payment or royalty to the State of US$775 million for the right to operate, for the extended term of the concession; an investment of US$830 million for improvements in the 6 airports under concession, including the International Airport of Las Americas – José Francisco Peña Gómez and other variable contributions estimated between US$300 million and US$550 million.

With the US$775 million to be received over a period of six months, the following works will be executed:

– Asphalting in La Caleta, Boca Chica, around the airport and an extensive asphalt program in Greater Santo Domingo and other municipalities, with an approximate investment of US$350 million.

– Expressway from Plaza de la Bandera, Isabel Aguiar (Pintura), connecting to 6 de Noviembre, with an investment of approximately US$148 million.

– The solution of República de Colombia Avenue with Los Próceres Avenue, expressway to Jacobo Majluta and road solution between República de Colombia and Monumental Avenue, with an approximate investment of US$ 108 million.

– The construction of the drawbridge that will replace the floating bridge on the Ozama River, with an investment of US$50 million.

– The construction of the bridge parallel to the Jacinto Peynado bridge, which joins Máximo Gómez Avenue with Hermanas Mirabal Avenue in Santo Domingo Norte, with an investment of approximately US$ 56 million.

– The level crossing on the Sabana Perdida – La Victoria highway, with intersection at Charles de Gaulle, with an investment of approximately US$30 million.

– The San Cristóbal Traumatology Unit, for US$15 million, in addition to 139 small and medium-sized works in all the provinces of the country, of which 80 are for sports, for a total of US$18 million.

Expansion of Las Americas International Airport

“The extraordinary performance of tourism and the development of the country as a commercial center, which have motivated a double-digit growth in passenger traffic, makes the construction of a new additional terminal at the Las Americas International Airport – Jose Francisco Pena Gomez unpostponable,” whose forecasts indicate that it will reach 8.4 million passengers in 2030, surpassing its current capacity of approximately 6.5 million passengers, the president emphasized.

In view of these figures, the concessionaire will immediately invest US$16 million to improve, within a period of 12 to 18 months, the airport’s existing terminal.

In addition, work will be carried out on the design that will allow construction of a new terminal to begin in 2025, which will have a capacity of 4 million passengers per year. This project will require an investment of US$250 million.

The President concluded his remarks by stating that “this renegotiation is just the beginning. We are working to guarantee that all contracts and agreements are for the greatest benefit of the Dominican people”. He also reiterated his commitment to reach agreements that promote the development of the country and improve the quality of life of all Dominicans.

Source: presidencia.gov.do

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