Environment: Sustainable Walk in the Botanical Garden

With the objective of promoting a healthy life connected with nature, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN) celebrated this Saturday at the National Botanical Garden, its “3K and 5K Sustainable Family” activity.

Before starting the walk, Minister Ceara Hatton urged those present and all citizens to exercise in parks and protected areas, in order to preserve their health and, at the same time, to value and protect nature.

Departure announcement

Federico Franco, Vice Minister of Protected Areas and Biodiversity, announced the start for the runners of the two routes, the 3k and the 5k.

“We invite everyone to walk in the parks, to give life to the parks, to those we have, to ensure health, that is extremely important, exercise is a fundamental part of the daily Caminata Sosteniblelife of all people,” said Ceara Hatton.

“I am telling you this as a person who is doing a lot of exercise now, because I didn’t do it before, so you have to walk; you have to walk and take long walks to be able to have better health,” he added.

Ceara Hatton valued the activity as an integration event for the staff of the Ministry of Environment, “so that we can have fun, walk, exercise.” “That’s part of healthy living, that’s part of sustainability. We are here enjoying ourselves with all the families who were able to come today, Saturday.”

The director of Human Resources, Águeda Suárez, who was responsible for organizing the event, thanked the director of the National Botanical Garden, Pedro Nolasco Suárez Espino, who was present at the activity.

Águeda Suárez valued the integration of all the personnel who, together with their families, enjoyed the race, each at their own pace, as well as the zumba activities, inflatable games and an “eco rally”, developed by the Environmental Education Department.

Suarez thanked the sponsors of the event, Seguros Reservas and AFP Reservas, for their support. Also ARS Universal, ARS MAPFRE, DO Sostenible, COOPSEMARENA, ASP-MARENA, SyF Consulting Group and Mercasid.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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